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After calling everyone to let them know how things went, the three of them spent the afternoon at the beach with a big picnic basket full of goodies. Jamie was glad to see Kevin and Nick relaxing a bit, knowing how hard this was on them. As the sun started to set, they packed up and headed to the airport to pick up Taylor.

After parking the car, the three of them entered the airport. Passing the Delta terminal, Kevin and Nick looked at each other and gave slight shudders. Jamie, walking between them, caught the motion, and stopped deliberately in front of the terminal.

"You two need to get over this right now. You spend half your life in airports, and you can't do this."

"Do what, Jaim?" said Nick innocently, "we're not doing anything."

"Nick, don't pull the innocent routine, 'cause it's not going to work. You two are frightened of that terminal because you think you're going to be arrested again, right?"

"Baby, that's not true," Kevin protested weakly, but Jamie shook her head.

"You think I can't tell? I know it's not the most pleasant memory in the world, but you two really do need to deal with this, otherwise you are always going to be nervous wrecks every time you have to fly somewhere." Jamie turned on her heel and began walking into the terminal. She stopped after a hundred yards, turned back to the boys and waited expectantly.

Kevin and Nick glanced at each other, took a deep breath and began walking slowly towards her. Jamie began backing up, moving further into the terminal until she stood at the first gate. Their eyes widened, but they kept approaching her. When they reached her, she linked arms with them both and made them stand there. Nick tried to resist, but Jamie kept a firm grasp on his arm, and shook her head.

"Look, over there, what do you see?" Kevin and Nick turned their heads to see two uniformed guards standing further down the concourse by another gate.

"Uh, cops," Nick stammered. Jamie could feel him shaking as panic set in. Kevin looked just as worried, but stood still.

The two guards began moving down the concourse, coming closer to the three of them. Nick closed his eyes and gave a small whimper. Kevin felt like a statue, he couldn't move even if he wanted to. When the officers were close enough to them, Jamie smiled and said, "Hello."

One of the officers nodded, and the other responded back, "Hello." Looking closely at the two men she was with, he stopped and said, "Hey, aren't you two part of the Backstreet Boys?" Kevin and Nick both looked at the guard, eyes wide.

When neither replied, Jamie sighed, and said, "Yes, they are."

"My little sister is a huge fan of yours. Would you sign an autograph for her?" Nick's intake of breath was loud, and Kevin slowly blinked and nodded.

"You. . . you're not going to arrest us?" said Nick.

The officer laughed, "Why would I do that? You haven't caused a riot. . . yet. Or have you?"

"Um, no, no we haven't. And we would love to sign an autograph for your sister. What's her name?" said Kevin, relief evident in his voice.

"Megan," said the guard as he reached behind him to pull his notepad from his back pocket. He accidentally hit the handcuffs dangling from his belt, and Kevin and Nick jumped slightly at the sound. The officer produced the pad and a pen, and asked, "Are you two okay?"

"Oh, yeah we are. It's just been a long day. Sorry. Megan, you said?" Kevin and Nick both scribbled their names on an open page and gave the book back to the officer. The officers thanked the two of them, and walked away.

They turned to Jamie, who remained silent through the whole episode. She had a satisfied smile on her face. "Feel better now?"

"Yeah, actually I do," said Kevin, and Nick nodded in agreement.

"Good. You should have seen the looks on your faces though."

"Ah, excuse me, Miss Need-To-Hide-When-Lightning-Strikes, I don't think this is very funny," said Kevin sarcastically.

"It's not the same," said Jamie stubbornly. "Besides, if I remember correctly, you did what you could to distract me."

"Really? What did you do, Train?" asked Nick, very interested.

"Nothing you need to know about, Nick," said Kevin abruptly, although he was grinning at Jamie. "All right, so I helped you, you helped me. Great. Can we go get Taylor now?"

Jamie laughed, "Yes, darlin' we can." The three walked out of the terminal and went to the correct one to wait for Taylor's plane to arrive.

Taylor Brett walked out onto the concourse and immediately saw Jamie standing next to two of the most handsome men she had ever seen. "Heads!"

Jamie turned at the nickname and smiled, "Tails! How are you?" Kevin and Nick turned to each other and said, "Heads?"

"Long story, but it had to do with always being together in college and law school. If I EVER hear that nickname from either one of you, there will be hell to pay, you got it? Taylor is the only person allowed to call me that," hissed Jamie. Kevin and Nick just grinned evilly. Jamie turned to face her best friend, and hugged her.

"How was the flight?"

"Okay. We were late as usual flying into Atlanta." Taylor turned to inspect the guys. "So Jamie, are these the two delinquents you need me to bail out?"

"Yep, these are them. Taylor, this is Kevin."

They shook hands, and Kevin said, "Hi. Jamie has told me a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you."

"Really? Well most of what she said is probably true, and the rest is an understatement. And I have heard probably just as much about you." She laughed and turned to Jamie. "You were right." Jamie giggled also, and Kevin asked, "Right? Right about what?"

"Never mind, hon. I'll explain later, maybe. Tails, this one is Nick."

They also shook hands. As Taylor looked into the bluest eyes she had ever seen, she felt something that passed just as quickly as it came. "Uh, hi Nick. Nice to meet you."

"Same here." Nick released her hand, but did it very slowly. Nick's gaze never left Taylor and she licked her lips nervously. Kevin and Jamie appeared not to notice anything.

"So, is this everything or do you have stuff waiting at baggage claim?" asked Jamie.

"Please, when was the last time I ever went anywhere without all my stuff?" Taylor laughed. "Of course it's in baggage claim. This is just my laptop and a few essentials." She looked away from Nick and faced Jamie. "So, which way?"

The four of them went to baggage claim, collected Taylor's suitcase, and headed out to the parking lot. Taylor declared her hunger, so they went for dinner.

Over pasta and salad, Taylor got down to business. "All right, enough small talk. Jaim, how did the prelim go? Obviously, because we're sitting with them, they kept their bond."

"Yeah. Trial is in two weeks. The ADA is on the case, and he tried to withhold bond."

"Really? Well that makes sense, with you two being pop stars."

"How does that make sense?" asked Nick. "Just because we're famous? That's not fair."

"No, Nick, it has nothing to do with your fame. I just meant that the ADA was afraid you were going to do some promotion or concert out of state, and decide not to come back."

"We would never do that! We're both innocent, and we would do whatever it takes to prove it," said Kevin.

"Good, glad to hear it. That's one less worry to have," said Taylor. "What else, Heads?"

Jamie shot a look at Nick, who was snickering, before replying, "The judge seemed to dislike the ADA, and he said that the prosecution's PC was shaky at best."

"Okay, that's to our advantage, and we'll press it as hard as we can. Anything else? What about the information?"

"There may be a slight problem with that. This girl is all over the place with it. She claims that they assaulted her, raped her, and did everything in between. It's going to be a question of veracity."

"Well, it is a problem, but I think we can deal with it. Just because it is a he said/she said, doesn't mean she'll automatically win. It's gonna be who is more believable. Are you two naturally believable, or are you two some slick management image package?"

Kevin and Nick looked at Taylor blankly. "What do you mean?"

"Have your handlers told you how to act and react, or are you really like this?"

Kevin reacted first, "No! No one tells any of us how to act, ever. Anyone who tried would be gone. We deal with ourselves and each other."

Nick asked, "If you thought we were lying, why did you agree to help us?"

Taylor looked at Kevin and Nick intently, then nodded to herself. "Relax. I don't think either of you are lying. I just wanted to see what would happen when you were asked that. The DA is going to press that issue, and I needed to know you can handle that type of scrutiny. You are naturally believable, and that'll help with the jury."

Kevin looked over at Jamie, who nodded and said, "I told you not to worry, Taylor knows what she is doing. She used to be a prosecutor herself in Oklahoma City before selling out." Jamie laughed as Taylor shot her a dirty look.

"I didn't sell out and you know it. I just got tired of city work, and wanted to go into private practice. You should be grateful otherwise I wouldn't be here right now."

"I am, trust me, Tayl. You're just frightening the guys with your intensity."

"This is not intense. You'll see intense in the courtroom." Kevin and Nick looked at each other.

Taylor went back to Jamie, "Did you get pro hac vice for the prelim only?"

"Only the hearing. Why?"

"Just checking. I'm going to assume you want to second chair?"

"Yes, I do. Why are you sounding like that?"

"Because I don't think it's a good idea. You're dating one of the defendants, that's obvious prejudice."

"It's only prejudice if I asked to be first chair, which I'm not. I know I'm very close to this case, but I can't sit there in the gallery and do nothing. I want you to represent them, I know you'll do a fantastic job, I just need to be part of this. Don't ask me to back down now."

"You'll trust me, and let me take this where I think it needs to go in order to get them acquitted?"

"Yes, Taylor, I will. I just need to be at that table too."

Taylor nodded, "All right. We'll ask for another pro hac vice motion tomorrow. Now, about strategy. . ."

As the two attorneys sat there and outlined a method of attack, Kevin and Nick sat there and listened in fascination. Neither one had ever heard Jamie when she was representing anyone. Kevin knew a little from what Jamie told him about her work, but most of the time she told him it was confidential. Kevin was a little awed by her; he knew she was intelligent, he never realized how intelligent until now.

Nick was impressed with Jamie too, but since she treated him as a little brother, he was used to her take-charge attitude. However, he listened to Taylor with amazement. It had never occurred to him that someone as beautiful as Taylor was could be that passionate and ferocious about work, and he was thrilled that her passion was in defense of him. He began to wonder if she was just as passionate in other areas of her life, and he decided he was going to do what he could to find out.