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Author's Chapter Notes:
Chapter Three: Lil Sticks up for Nick
Lilian blushed and Celia smiled,

“Aw, Nick, we couldn’t resist, been fans a long time and didn’t think we would get another opportunity like this.”

“Um ,Nick if you don’t make them leave this instant, I swear I am going to scream.” The odd woman said.

“Too late now babe, hear those sirens, we gotta go.”

The girls looked out at the all too familiar sight of the screaming fans and then the 5 tour buses that came screaming out of the center.

Cars of crazy fans went chasing after them and Nick and his little crew of girls were safe in the other direction.

“Ha, that’s what you guys do to get away.” Lil said out loud.

Just then the odd woman in the front seat sighed very loudly.

“Look, little third graders, don’t you have somewhere else you can be right now, Nick and I were trying to have a private conversation.”

Even Nick was a little taken back by her tone.

“Umm excuse me, Delia, but I do not appreciate you talking to my fans that way. You don’t know what they went through to get here. What if they are from out of state or they sold their house or something?’

Just then Delia interrupted,
“Nick , you are so stupid, you aren’t really that famous, people don’t sell their houses to see you and they certainly don’t come from another state, you are washed up. Should have been gone from the music scene a long time ago, I don’t know why I put up with you.”

The girls in the back seat were amazed at what they were hearing, for Delia’s information, Nick was not stupid and definitely not washed up. Celia opened her mouth to protest, but Lilian beat her to it,

“Delia, is it?” she asked, “Listen good one time, you and your fake and bake tan, looking like a zebra need to go and find someone who is actually washed up and stupid, because Nick is not, Nick is famous. He is in fact infamous. His songs about life and living it, have helped me so much to see things for what they really are and you obviously live in a perfect world if you have never realized it. I have been a fan of Nick’s for a long time and …”

“What like 3 months.” Delia interrupted.

“Stop that damn it!” Nick yelled, “Can’t you give anyone the time of day for two seconds?”