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"Dad?" CJ asked as Nick came back from the bathroom the next morning.

"Yeah, baby?"

"How come Lexie slept downstairs?" she asked, sitting up.

"I. . .uh. . . I don't know. Maybe she just fell asleep down there." He stammered.

"Lexie always sleeps with you."

"Well, maybe she stayed up studying or something. You know how she likes to read all the time." He shrugged. "Come on, little girl. Time for your shower."

CJ was showered and getting dressed when Nick finally went downstairs. Cook was there already and cooking CJ's breakfast. He and Lexie weren't big breakfast eaters.

"What did you do?" Cook said as he opened the refrigerator for some juice.

"What? I didn't do anything."

"I know she slept downstairs." Cook whispered harshly.

"It was nothing." He lied. Cook just snorted at him and acknowledged CJ's presence.

"Come on, CJ. Let's eat so I can take you to school."

"Lexie isn't taking me?" CJ asked as she sat at the table.

"No, Lexie had to go run some errands this morning." Cook began.

"Where'd she go?" Nick asked. Cook gave him a cool look.

"She left that for you." Cook said pointing to the closed refrigerator door.

A note, written in her handwriting, was under a magnet.

Master of the House is not heeding

Tender wishes of The Queen

Princess must tend to her day

Master must see his soul sated

Speak to the Keeper of the Quarters

To seek the Master's garments

House holds the Queen

After she visits with the Sisters

And Princess' day has ended.

"What did she say?" CJ asked.

"She's going to pick you up after school. Cook, can you get the dry cleaning? I'll be in the studio." He sighed.

"Where'd she go?" Cook asked.

"To see Jill."

Lexie meant to go to see Jill and Sabrina, but she knew they wouldn't give her the information she wanted. She wanted Christine's phone number. Chances were that they didn't have any other number but her lawyer's.

"Hey, Lex-girl!" she heard the gruff voice call for her across the lobby.

That's why she was here at Marty Portlowe's office. She needed a private detective.

He lumbered his huge roly-poly body across the lobby and drew her into a sloppy bear hug; one she was sure would snap her spine.

"You got some more work for your Uncle Marty?" he teased.

Lexie choked to catch her breath, but he didn't even notice as he dragged her by her hand into his office. He sat her in a leather chair across from his desk, and his high-backed leather office chair creaked loudly as he settled himself in it.

"You know, I haven't been able to finish up that ring thing. . ."

"Oh, no. This isn't about that, Marty."

"I like it when you pretty little girls bring me those little artsy things of yours." He directed a cutesy smile toward her.

"I know you do, and we appreciate you tracking down that jeweler, but my situation is a little more personal."

"Oh really? Is that no good husband of yours cheating on you already? I'll kill the bastard for you. . ."

"No, no!" she laughed. "It's not Nick, but it's his ex-girlfriend, CJ's mother."

"Really? Hmmm, what do you need?"

"I need to know her phone number and address. I have an old picture, her lawyer's name, and. . ."

"Why don't you just call her lawyer?

"I don't want to talk to him.

"Why the sudden interest in the angel's mother? Huh? She trying to hit that husband of yours up for some money?"

"No, not exactly. We did have a meeting with her. . .Marty? She's dying, and she has a son."

"That bastard had another kid with her!" he declared, pulling himself up to his feet. The effort it took to get his huge frame up as quickly as he did in protest was not lost on Lexie.

"No, no! It's not Nick's, although I'd like to know who the father is. She's dying and she wants to see CJ and she wants me and Nick to take the boy. . ."

Marty's graying bushy eyebrows knitted together as he sat down again with a large huff.

"What are you doing, girl?"

"I'm not exactly sure. I need to talk to her." Lexie admitted quietly.

"What do you need?"

"I need her phone number and address, what her finances are like, who the boy's father is, and to confirm how sick she really is." Lexie said, setting some papers on the desk in front of him.

"That husband of yours know you're here?" Marty asked seriously.

"No, and I don't want him to find out."

"Not a word, missy, I promise." He grunted. "All that, huh? Shouldn't take too long."

"Good. The sooner, the better." Lexie nodded.

Daily errands kept Lexie out all day until it was time to pick up CJ. CJ had some questions about Lexie and Nick's fight, but Lexie told her not to worry. Lexie was sure that she and Nick would come to some resolution.

CJ ran into the house from the garage, banging her backpack along the way. Lexie met Cook in the kitchen, and she told Lexie that Nick had slept off and on all day, but was down in the studio right now. Lexie found CJ's backpack on the top of the stairs leading down to the studio. She left it there as she went down and let herself in. CJ was sitting on Nick's lap, and they stopped talking when she came into the room.

"CJ, you left your books on the stairs. Please take them to your room and change into some play clothes." Lexie asked politely. CJ looked back at Nick and then clamored down.

"Okay." She said as she ran out and slammed the door behind her, leaving Nick and Lexie alone.

"How come you didn't come to bed?" Nick asked, turning his back to her and fidgeting with the console in front of him.

"I couldn't sleep. No point keeping everyone awake." Lexie said.

"I'm not going to discuss Christine seeing CJ again." Nick said firmly.

"Okay." Lexie said. For now.

"I don't want you talking to her either. I thought you were going to meet with Jill and Sabrina?" Nick said, finally turning back to her.

"I didn't make it." Lexie said, steadily meeting his gaze. He broke off first.

"I called down there."

"I figured, since you knew I hadn't been there."

"I do listen to you. I heard what you said last night." He said quietly. "How come you were going to see Sabrina?"

"I want to remove my name from the adoption request and stop the papers."

"Why?! Don't you want to adopt CJ?!" he asked, shocked.

"I'd love to, but signing those papers would legally make me her mother. No piece of paper is going to change that you're her father first and you have no intention of letting me help raise her."

"Lexie, that isn't fair."

"You want me to tell you what isn't fair? It's not fair to deny CJ her mother for what little time they have left. It's not fair to deny CJ the chance at another mother, me. It's not fair that what demons you have rolling around inside there are let loose to eat at all of us." Lexie sighed. "If you are not willing to even discuss CJ and Christine, then I am not willing to continue with the adoption."

"God, Lexie, why are you doing this?" Nick asked. Lexie could hear the hurt and disbelief in his voice.

"I think you're wrong, and I'm trying to make a point." Lexie said.

"Do you have to do it like this?" he asked.

"It's the only way I can think of." She sighed. "I love you, Nick. I always will, but I signed on to be your life partner, not some damn trophy wife."

"But you didn't go see Sabrina?" he asked.

"No, not yet."

"Then there is time for you to change your mind?" he said, getting up and taking her by the arms. She didn't look up to meet his eyes.

"Will you consider changing yours?" she asked quietly.

Nick sighed heavily and then dropped his forehead on top of her head. Her body was tight, and she was geared for a fight. He drew her in and held her close to him.

"I'll consider it."

It wasn't yes, it wasn't no, but it was enough to get on with their lives. They all settled down as a family over another one of Cook's fabulous meals of chicken and dumplings. CJ could still sense the tension between them, but they seemed to be getting along for the most part.

Nick asked her about her day, and she told them about a boa constrictor that came to visit the class. She tattled on Jane, who got in trouble for tripping another little girl.

"Why did she do that?" Nick asked.

"Because." CJ shrugged. "Patti isn’t very pretty, and she doesn’t have new uniforms. . ."

"Good grief! Is that what you're learning in school?" Nick sighed.

"I didn't do anything!" CJ protested.

"C, you know that not everyone has famous parents like you and Jane and not everyone has a lot of money." Nick said.

"I know, but she wears these ugly glasses. . ."

"Well, I have to wear glasses." Nick said.

"I know, but. . ."

"No buts, I don't believe this." Nick sighed heavily.

"What happened after she fell down?" Lexie asked.

"She started crying." CJ said quietly, feeling the guilt of her father's admonishment.

"Did anyone help her?"

"Someone did, one of the other girls. . ." CJ mumbled.

"Perhaps next time, you can be the one to help her." Lexie chuckled.

"But I don't want the other kids laughing at me too." CJ groaned.

"Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing, but it still has to be done. Like when your father fought with the unions. It wasn't easy, but he felt it had to be done." Lexie said.

"Okay." CJ sighed.

"Besides that, how did that spelling test go?" Lexie asked.

Nick fell silent as the girls talked about CJ's day. CJ asked Lexie if she'd be sleeping in the bed tonight, and she said yes. CJ said she wanted to sleep with them both.

It was a beautiful evening, and the girls took time to finish CJ's homework, play outside and then finally begin to head off to bed. Nick complained his head hurt, took some more painkillers, and went to bed right after dinner. Quietly, CJ and Lexie joined him after he had fallen asleep. CJ made Lexie sleep in the middle. CJ watched as Lexie cuddled up to Nick's arm and laid her head on his shoulder. He snorted for a moment, but drifted right off again. CJ snuggled up behind Lexie, her cold toes against Lexie's legs.

Nick couldn't resist taking Lexie in his arms as he slowly woke the next day. He pretended he was asleep as he held her close. They only had these few days left until he had to leave, and he didn't want to spend them like this. He wanted to make love to her each morning and night before he had to leave. This morning though, CJ was still in bed with them. Today wasn't looking too hopeful either. AJ and Alex would be flying in.

The alarm went off, and CJ was the first one out of bed and into the bathroom. Lexie struggled a moment to get out of his arms, but he held on tighter and whispered in her hair.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." She said back to him.

"Have Cook take CJ to school this morning." He said.

"No, I promised I would." She said.

"Come straight home?" he asked.

"I will." She agreed, and he finally let go of her. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom after CJ without even looking at him.

Lexie did as she promised. She drove to the school and then right back home. Nick had gotten up and showered, but was waiting in bed for her. He asked her to come closer and he noticed how she hesitated. Once in his reach, he gently pulled her down into his arms. He kissed her, but felt her resistance. He bristled at it and let go of her. He sat up with his back to her as she lay across their bed.


"I'm not going to force you." He muttered angrily. "Is this really how you want to spend our last days together? Fighting?"

"No." she said. Nick wasn't prepared for the break in her voice. It broke his heart and he looked back at her, watching the crystalline tears form in her eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh, don't be sorry." He moaned, putting his head in his hands. Why does she have to be so damn stubborn! “I don't understand why you're so upset about this any way? You didn't want Chris back either."

He felt her get off the bed. She walked across the room, opened something and then another something hit him in the back. He snapped his head up and looked behind him. He found her mother's pearls snaked in a pile behind him. He gently picked them up.

"I want CJ to know her mother." Lexie said. She sounded bitter and frustrated. "Because someday she's going to wear those pearls and have the same feelings I did. Would Mom be proud? Would she be happy for me? Would she understand? How can I make you understand?"

The smooth pearls slid over his fingers, and he bent his head over them.

"I understand, Lexie. I've had the same thoughts about my own mother, and she's not even dead." He said quietly.

"I can't ask for more than you listen to me and try to understand. Nick, I don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with, but I need to know that you’re not going to be hasty about this." Lexie said, coming to sit on the bed next to him. "I know you love CJ. I know you love me. If you make the wrong decision now, Nick, there may be no going back. Once Christine is gone, there are no more second chances.

Nick was silent as he looked up at her and searched her eyes. Must be Amanda, because AJ was never this smart. He nodded in silent agreement.

"I'll think about it.

"Oh, thank you, Nick. God, that's all I want." She groaned, relieved. For now.