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Thursday moved quietly for them. Lexie spent the day reading and dealing with the fan club as AJ and Nick worked in the basement studio. Alex eagerly split his time between the men, Cook, and Lexie. Lexie went to town to have lunch, but she used it as an excuse to check in with her private detective. He didn't have anything yet. She spoke by phone to a few Florida real estate agents and did eventually eat with Gina to discuss starting work on Monday. The evening was warm, and dinner with the kids and then playing in the backyard capped it off for all of them.

The next morning, they surprised the kids with the trip to Disney. Lexie left with Alex and CJ to meet up at Aaron's house. Jill, Jane, and Angel were waiting excitedly for them. Aaron had arranged two bodyguards to follow them discreetly, but they were otherwise free to roam about the entire campus.

For hours, Lexie forgot all about Christine. She forgot all about AJ and Howie and Nick and the lot of them. She laughed until she cried, she screamed as she rode the roller coasters, and ate until she thought she would be sick. She didn't really remember who she was until she saw her name flash at her from a credit card. For a moment, time stood still and she wondered how many more Disney-like days they would have before it all changed forever.

Nick could only marvel at the change. She was smiling and laughing as they returned that night. She was affectionate all evening and right up to the time they went to bed. She showered, came to bed undressed, and pulled him into her arms.

"How's your head been?"

"Fine, just fine." He smiled, kissing her. "Damn, you're beautiful."

"Make love to me, Nick." she groaned against his lips.

He stopped for a moment, brushing the hair from her face.

"Baby, we need to talk before I go. . ." he began.

"No, Nick, not now." She said, laying her fingers on his lips. "Please not now."

Her lips and hands sought him, bringing him to untold pleasures. She continued to beg him until he complied. Her need and passion rose until he felt he could no longer contain it. She desperately clung to him, and he filled her again and again until he was spent.

She woke him a few hours later and made the same request again. He loved her again, until he was spent once more. Her whispered claims of love and desire tore at him. He never wanted to leave her, and he wasn't sure how he would get through these next weeks.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I don't want to go." He whispered when he thought she had fallen back asleep.

"Don't be." She whispered back, startling him. "Just come back to me. Always."

"I will. I promise." He whispered back, his voice breaking against his words. "Always."

Saturday was spent at AJ's new house getting everything arranged. A part of Lexie thought is it was funny, considering she was going to try and convince Nick to move back east. Each one of them roamed through the empty house as AJ chatted with a designer. Nick snuck up on her, slipping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder. She closed her eyes and breathed him in. They remained quiet as the kids played, and they could hear AJ's voice in the distance.

"I made plans for tonight." He said softly.

"You did?" she smiled.

"I asked AJ to keep the kids at our house. We aren't going to be there."

"We aren't?" she giggled.

"Nope." He giggled, too.

"What are you planning, Nickolas Carter?" she asked.

"An evening alone. It'll be our only chance before I go." He said softly. She closed her eyes and held on tighter to his arms. He tightened his grip as well. "We still need to talk. About everything."

She nodded in agreement.

"Not right now." She whispered.

"No, not now." He agreed.

"Lexie, baby, you've got to help me." AJ moaned as he walked toward them with swatches. "What color for the couch? Oh, Rebecca Morgan, this is my daughter, Lexie, and her husband, Nick."

"Nice to meet you." Lexie said, shaking the young woman's hand.

"You, too."

"Nice to meet you." Nick said, shaking her hand next.

"I'm a big fan, Mr. Carter. . ." she gushed, grasping on to his hand.

"Uh..thank you." He blushed as she pumped his hand and then let go.

"Yeah, yeah, enough about him. My couch?" AJ sighed. The swatches flopped about from his hands.

"The walls?" Lexie asked.

"This green. . ." He began.

"Green? You're letting him paint them green?" Lexie laughed.

"Well, Mr. McLean. . ."

"Can't coordinate colors if his life depended on it. And it has a few times." Lexie smiled. She began to pluck swatches out of his hands. "Go with this one for the walls, that for the couch, and that for the floor rugs. If the walls are green in this house, I won't come over." She laid out the swatches in the designer's hands.

"That's nice." AJ hummed, looking at the spread.

"And, honey? Get him some texture." Lexie teased. "In the couch." She finished, tapping the fabric swatch.

"Okay, that's done. Let's do the bedrooms." AJ said marching off with his little designer in tow.

"You did that pretty well."

"I've studied texture and color for years. I should be good." Lexie laughed. "Green. He was going with green."

"Hey, all my walls are white." Nick shrugged.

"Can't go wrong with it. Goes with everything." She laughed. "Speaking of walls."

"Yes?" Nick asked.

"Have you thought much more about moving to Orlando?" she asked quietly.

"Oh yeah. I still think it's a great idea." He nodded.

"How about Tampa?"

"It's closer to the ocean." He chuckled with a rise of his eyebrows.

"Would you mind if I start looking at places? I mean, just looking."

"Sure, honey, no problem. I was thinking we could build something. . ."

"That's true. Or we might find one we actually like." She smiled.

"Okay. Start looking around, let me know if you find anything."

"Thanks, baby." She said, slipping her arms around his neck. He gave her a quick kiss and stopped to look down at her. "What?"

"Did you hear what AJ said?"

"About what?"

"'My daughter, Lexie, and her husband, Nick'."

"Yeah, so?"

"I can always count on these guys to just be 'Nick'." He smiled.

Lexie was laughing as CJ herded Alex back into the house from the deck.

"Where's Uncle AJ?" she asked.

"He's up in one of the bedrooms." Nick said.

"You wait here!" she told Alex as she went racing down the hall to the staircase.

Lexie, Nick, and Alex all met half way and sat down on the ledge into the sunken living room. He slipped between Nick's knees and began climbing up on his lap. Nick lifted him up and sat him down to straddle his legs. Alex reached up and pulled Nick's tail to the front and began running his fingers through it.

"Uncle Nick?"

"Yeah, Alex?"

"Why won't CJ marry me?" he asked. Nick and Lexie could barely contain their laughter.

"Well, guy, she's kinda young to get married. So are you." Nick smirked.

"Will you marry me, Lexie?" Alex asked, leaning over into her lap.

"No baby, I'm already married to Nick." She smiled, reaching over to touch his dark head. Alex was quiet as he threaded Nick's hair through his fingers. He seemed to be thinking about the answers.

"I love CJ. She's gonna marry me." He said quietly.

Nick laughed and pulled Alex up into a hug. He looked over at Lexie with tears of laughter in his eyes.

"I thought I'd have more time before I had to start beating them off." Nick laughed.

"He's AJ's son." Lexie smirked.

"Daddy! Lexie!" CJ yelled as she came running back toward them. "I saw Uncle AJ kissing that girl."

Nick lost all control and rolled on the floor laughing. Lexie laughed too, as the embarrassed couple came into view. Ms. Morgan and AJ said quick goodbyes, and she left discreetly out the back door.

AJ was six different colors of red as he came closer, and Lexie realized it was mostly lipstick. She and Nick were still laughing as Lexie got to her feet and went to AJ, running her thumb over his mouth to show him. He began to laugh himself and gave a cute little shrug as Nick continued to roll back and forth out of control.

"OH GOD!" Nick groaned, stumbling to get to his feet with Alex in his arms. He put Alex down and laughed his way toward them. "I gotta piss."

Lexie covered her mouth to keep from squealing, especially when Nick high-fived AJ on this way to the bathroom. Something in the sparkle of AJ's eye told her that maybe, just maybe, everything was going to be all right.

"Where, where, where?" Lexie pestered Nick as they drive home. "Where are you taking me?!"

"I know!" CJ chimed in.

"You little rat fink, and you didn't tell me?!" Lexie teased her.

"She doesn't know!" Nick laughed.

"We'll find out tomorrow when they get home." AJ said as they rode home.

"What are we gonna be doing?" CJ asked AJ.

"We could watch some movies. . ."

"That's boring, Uncle AJ!" she moaned.

Nick looked in his rearview mirror and watched AJ pull his daughter close and whisper something in her ear. Her eyes lit up, and they shared a knowing smile between them. He had to smile himself, loving and accepting the joy of life AJ gave them.

"Where?!" Lexie begged, pulling on his arm. He laughed.

"Just hold your horses. You'll find out soon enough. Cook should have our bags packed by the time we get there." He said, looking at this watch before pulling into the community.

Cook's husband was putting the bags into a red Audi convertible as they pulled into the garage. There was a quick exchange of hugs and thanks before Nick and Lexie turned around and left again in the convertible.

"Please tell me where we're going?" Lexie pleaded.

Nick kept that smug look on his face and refused to tell her. He drove out of the city and began a trek down the coast line. He pulled up to a huge old historical hotel on a bluff, overlooking the ocean. Valets came, opened the doors, and took care of their bags. Nick came around the car, took her hand, and they ran up the front marble stairs into the grand lobby of the hotel.

"Mr. Carter. How nice to see you." The clerk at the front desk said.

"Hi. Is the suite ready?"

"Of course. If you'll sign in, here are your keys." She smiled, sliding the papers across the marble counter, and he scrawled his familiar signature on it. He snatched up the keys and took her hand again, dragging her to the elevator.

The wrought iron decorated doors of the lift opened up and they stepped in together with a few other hotel guests. In the back of the elevator, Lexie couldn't help but see how the others noticed him. As always, he acted as though he was oblivious to it. He pulled her into his arms and buried his face into her hair.

"You're going to love this." He whispered.

One by one, each guest got off until they were the only ones left.. He kissed her deeply and passionately until the doors opened one last time to the door of the suite. They stepped forward, he slipped the card key into the lock, and it opened effortlessly.

Before them in complete, unabashed splendor and expense was the Presidential Suite. Lexie gaped at the crystal chandeliers, the rich wood furnishings, the plush carpet under her feet, and the scented air that flowed over her.

"Oh my god. . ." she gasped.

In all their years together, Nick had never done this. They had had some nice hotel suites, but nothing like this. He had never shown her his money like this, and she wasn't prepared for it. He closed the door and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her.

"It's all for you."

"Nick, you shouldn't have. . ."

"Oh, yes, I should have. I should have much sooner." He smiled. He stepped around her and held out his hand. "Come with me."

Nick took her to spacious bedroom as the afternoon sun burned brightly though the huge glass doors to the deck.

"Come see the view." He said, leading her there.

"It's incredible." She sighed.

They could see for miles up the coastline. Below them, white waves gently crashed into the rocky shore of the bluff on which the hotel stood. Her appreciation of the view was cut short by the feel of his hands untying her ponytail and running his finger through her hair. She stood before the sea as he undressed her, kissed her, and began to make love to her.

They turned back to the bed, and she did the same for him. She untied his hair, pulled away his clothing, and slipped onto the bed beside him, tasting his body and setting him ablaze.

He rolled her to her back and slipped effortlessly between her legs. She clawed at his back as he stroked her, whispering and then shouting his love for her. She hung on to him andbegan to miss him already. His mouth took hers as he came, and she bucked up to hold him to her, to declare her own love for him. He quieted in her arms and after a long while, kissed her forehead.

"You're incredible." He smiled down at her.

"Me?" she chuckled.

"Yes, you, Lexie."

"My name sounds so beautiful when you say it." She smiled.

"It is as beautiful as the woman it belongs to." He smiled back. "We need to get up, though. The evening is not over."

"It's not? There's more?" she beamed.

"Where else would I take a well-loved woman, but out for a beautiful meal?" he teased.

"Out? We're going out? Did Cook pack any thing. . ." she began, sitting up.

"No. I bought you something."

"Nick, how many little short black dresses can one woman own?" she joked.

"No, no. This is different. Let's go shower, and I'll show you." He smiled, getting off the bed. They headed to the master bath together when Nick suddenly stopped and put a finger on her nose. "Oh!" he said suddenly. "I bought panties, too. You will wear them."

She put up her right hand. "I swear."

They showered together and played around before Lexie settled down to do her make up. Piece by piece, Nick gave Lexie her clothing. Matching panties and strapless bra, and navy silk thigh high stockings she pulled elegantly up each leg.

"Okay, what's next?" she said, clapping her hands.

"This, you're going to like." He smiled, going to the closet. She heard him unzip a garment bag and bring her the most incredible gown she had ever seen.

"Oh, my." She began, getting slowly to her feet. The navy blue dress was layered in sheer silk. He helped her step into the strapless gown that nicely emphasized her waist and ample breasts. The skirt flowed from the fitted bodice into a pool of silk down her legs.

"Nick, it's incredible." she said, her hands smoothed the silk down as she watched it pool at her feet.

"Wait!" he laughed. He ran back to the closet and brought her matching shoes, kneeling in front of her to have her step into them. He got up and brought back a hairbrush and brushed her dark hair down her back until he was happy with it. She turned back for him.

"Not quite." He sighed.

"What's missing?"

"These." He said, turning to go to his luggage. He unzipped the largest bag and pulled out a felt box. He carried it to her and opened its hinged lid to show her the contents. Inside were matching teardrop diamond earrings and a huge diamond pendant that was beyond her comprehension. "I got them in Hawaii."

Her hand reached out to touch them, then she looked up into his face.

"They're for you."

He chuckled at her stunned expression. Nick pulled the necklace out of the box and turned her so he could loop it over her head and fasten the latch. She lifted her hair, then lowered it again and peered into the mirror to see her reflection.

"Can you get the earrings yourself?" he said, handing her the box. "Do you like them?"

Lexie was completely speechless as she pulled the earrings from their box and put one, then the other in. She could only nod her head in reply. Words were beyond what she was feeling.

"I'm going to go finished getting dressed, not that anyone is going to notice me in my underwear once they see you." He joked.

Lexie stood at the mirror, and the next time she saw Nick, he was dressed to the hilt in a tuxedo. His hair was pulled back, his face freshly shaved and he was pulling on his tux jacket over the printed vest.

"These are for you, too." He smiled, handing her the gloves that went with the dress. "Kinda old fashioned, but I liked them. Baby, are you okay?"

"I'm. . . I'm just so stunned, Nick." She choked as she pulled each glove on. "We usually just go surfing or something with CJ or. . ."

"I know, I know. I'm not very romantic, but I wanted tonight to be something we'd always remember." He said, brushing her hair back from her shoulder. "I haven't done enough for you, and you've given me everything."

He gently cupped her cheek and lifted her face to him. "You are my everything. You are stronger and more beautiful than any other woman I have ever known. You deserve so much more, and I'm going to make sure you get it. Always. Come on, now, or we'll be late for dinner."