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Meet Steph, she's just turned 25 and thinks she's suffering a quarter-century crisis!  Everyone around her seems to have life all figured out and she feels left behind.  After a drunken night out, she comes up with a list of things she'd like to do...before she's 30!

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 49
Completed: Yes
Word count: 72630
Read: 108084
Published: 11/17/09
Updated: 08/23/10
Story Notes:
I've added all the guys to the summary even though I'm not sure if they'll all be in the story.  Story also features other famous people along the way, but will mainly be BSB.

1. Chapter 1 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (995 words)

2. Chapter 2 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1306 words)

3. Chapter 3 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (776 words)

4. Chapter 4 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (655 words)

5. Chapter 5 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (770 words)
Thanks for reading, there'll be a BSB appearance soon, along with a couple of members of Take That and maybe some more famous people along the way!

6. Chapter 6 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (819 words)

7. Chapter 7 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (887 words)
Thanks for reading!  Hope you are liking it so far, lots more to come.  Please excuse any details I get wrong about places, I research I little bit but make a lot up as I go along :)

8. Chapter 8 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1381 words)
Thanks for reading!  The song 'Waking Up In Vegas' by Katy Perry inspired this next bit.

9. Chapter 9 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (2190 words)
Thanks for reading everyone.

10. Chapter 10 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1574 words)
Thanks for reading, here's the next bit.

11. Chapter 11 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (861 words)
Here's the next bit, hope you enjoy and please review!  Thanks :)

12. Chapter 12 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1015 words)
Sorry for the wait, I've had a busy couple of weeks with parties and Christmas shopping etc, plus work has been crazy! 

13. Chapter 13 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1145 words)
Here's the next part, hope you like!  I'll try and update again before Christmas, but if I don't get the chance, hope you all have a lovely Christmas x

14. Chapter 14 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (800 words)

Thanks for reading!  Here's the next part, sorry it's not that long, but I'm off for a whole week after Christmas Eve so hopefully I'll get plenty more written :)

15. Chapter 15 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1721 words)
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas, here's the next part.

16. Chapter 16 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1195 words)
Here's the next bit, hope you like!

17. Chapter 17 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1085 words)
Sorry for the delay, my laptop died on me and I wasn't able to write in work.

18. Chapter 18 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1281 words)
Thanks for reading, here's the next part!

19. Chapter 19 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1033 words)
This chapter does contain some sexual content, but I've not gone into too much detail as I know that kind of thing isn't for everyone!  Hope you like and please let me know what you think :)

20. Chapter 20 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1375 words)
Here's the next bit, I hope you like as I'm a little unsure!

21. Chapter 21 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1087 words)
Here's the next bit, hope you like.

22. Chapter 22 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1419 words)
Thanks for reading!  Here's the next part.

23. Chapter 23 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1178 words)

Here's the next bit.  As I have no idea about places in LA, please excuse that fact :)

24. Chapter 24 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1070 words)
Thanks for reading, here's more.  She's not there yet, but she soon will be!

25. Chapter 25 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1573 words)
Here's the next chapter, hope it's OK!

26. Chapter 26 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1556 words)
I was on a roll, so here's the next chapter, hope you like!

27. Chapter 27 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1085 words)
Another update, I'm on a roll!  Thanks for reading and please review :)

28. Chapter 28 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1835 words)

Hope you like!

29. Chapter 29 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1383 words)
Another chapter already!  Hope you like :)

30. Chapter 30 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (2061 words)
Here's the next chapter!

31. Chapter 31 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (2193 words)
There is a sex scene at the end, but nothing too graphic!  Hope you like :)

32. Chapter 32 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (2543 words)
Sorry it's taken so long to update, so here's a longer chapter to make up for it :)

33. Chapter 33 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1814 words)
Here's the next part, it does contain a bit of adult material but nothing too graphic!

34. Chapter 34 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1713 words)
I was on a bit of a roll with it, so not so long to wait this time!  Hope you like :)

35. Chapter 35 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1111 words)
Sorry for the delay, I've been away for a week and didn't have my laptop with me.

36. Chapter 36 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (3277 words)
Hmm, I'm hoping this next chapter won't be a letdown!  I'm not sure it's wild enough, lol.

37. Chapter 37 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1488 words)
Thanks for reading, here's some more...

38. Chapter 38 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (2057 words)
Here's the next bit, hope you like!

39. Chapter 39 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1981 words)

Here's the next bit, sorry for the delay!

40. Chapter 40 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1630 words)
Thanks for reading!

41. Chapter 41 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1643 words)
Thanks for all the lovely reviews, hope this chapter is OK!

42. Chapter 42 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (2086 words)
Thanks to everyone reading :)

43. Chapter 43 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1779 words)
I'm sorry it took so long, but I hope you're still with me!

44. Chapter 44 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1641 words)

Here's the next bit!

45. Chapter 45 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (2624 words)
Here's the next part, hope you like and don't think it's too cheesy, lol

46. Chapter 46 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1787 words)
Woohoo, so glad AC is back! Here's the next bit for you, hope you like :)

47. Chapter 47 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1683 words)
Sorry for the delay, my laptop died and I had to get a new one!

48. Chapter 48 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1463 words)
Here's the next chapter, hope you like!

49. Chapter 49 by Carter-Orange [ - ] (1006 words)
Here's the last chapter, I'm so sorry for the delay and apologise for the cheesy ending. I'm not too good with endings!