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“I hate that you did this Polly…” Trish told her sister as they arrived at LAX. “Mom should have stayed in Florida, there is no need for her to come back early. I have Howie if anything.”

“Oh hush it Trish I saw how much it hurt you to hear Alex give in that night at your party. I am about to leave and I wanted someone here to help you and Howie is not the best person for that… he’s a guy a very old single guy. Maybe we should find him a wife…” Pollyanna said as they walked into the building.

“Quit trying to change conversation… even though I agree we do need to marry Howie. So when will there flight arrive again?” Trish asked eyeing her watch.

“Soon…” Polly said pulling her sister along toward where they were to wait for there parents flight to come through.


“The outfit suits you well,” Gloria told her new partner in LAX patrol. “LAPD huh? So what made you quit?”

Alex only smiled as he saw his partner, “Yeah only thing I am going to miss is the doughnuts,” he said laughing ignoring the second question.

“Well you look pretty good to have been on the doughnut diet, I should know my brother is a cop,” she told him.

“Really here in LA?” Alex asked trying to keep the light conversation as they did there round around the airport.

“No Dallas,” she told him. “I think I need my coffee would you like one?”

“Ah yeah sure why not?” Alex said as they saw the Starbucks. He smiled at her she was so friendly and she definitely was a talker.

“I know the barista he’s a good friend of mine,” Gloria told him as she winked at him. “What do you want?”

“Expresso…” he told her as she went straight toward her friend. He decided to look for a place to sit.


Polly had been right they didn’t have to wait to long to hear that there parents flight had landed. Ten minutes after that they were hugging each other. “My dear Trish I had to come as soon as I heard Polly tell me this was serious. You have left him for sure?”

Trisha pretended to no be offended by her mother’s comment but the truth was she had always ended up at there house for a night or two when she had a fight with Alex. “No mom this time it’s real,” she assured her as she helped her with her luggage.

“I don’t know sweetie,” Mr. Dorough said to her as he patted her cheek. “I liked him he was a decent man.”

“Dad you like any man that likes to golf and takes you golfing or fishing.” Polly said patting his back.

“Well whatever the case may be Trish you are more than welcome to stay with us.”

“Mom I am fine and actually I am thinking about asking for transfer to New York.” Trish said biting her lip waiting for her mother to protest.

Instead of protesting Mrs. Dorough was staring toward Starbucks, “Talking about the devil himself,” she said beginning to walk toward the coffee shop.

“Mom,” Trish said following her and the rest of her family. She felt her blood rush when she saw that Alex was not alone and was laughing with someone a woman to be exact.


Gloria reminded Alex a little of Trish, in her sarcastic point of views anyway. There was no comparison in beauty with Trish. Or maybe he was too in love to see the outer beauty Gloria was. “For the first day on the job I am enjoying it,” he told her giving her a smile.

Gloria was actually liking her new partner and she had already noticed the lighter shade on his ring finger, he must have been married, “So what, I assume your not married anymore,” she told him as she pointed to his finger.

Alex smiled and he saw why she had caught that, “Technically I still am and I am hoping to be wearing my ring again soon. We’re going through a rough patch that’s all.” He said trying not to sound offended by her forwardness.

“Ah, right rough patch well if you want to talk about it I am good listener and I didn’t mean to pry either. Sorry.” Gloria said realizing she might have been too forward.

“No it’s cool it’s hard for me to talk about it,” he said. He looked up just in time to see his mother in law walk in with his father in law and sister in law. He felt awkward as he saw she was coming straight toward him, he cleared his throat… “Hey Mrs. Dorough,” he finally said standing up to greet her.

“Well look at you in a uniform, Howie had told me you me quit LAPD but I didn’t think you would soon find a job elsewhere.”

“Well… when you know people you can find a job quick. So I assume you just came back from Florida? So Mr. Dorough we should make plans to go golfing soon.” Alex loved his in laws and well he hoped they still liked him.

“Mother –” Trish stopped when saw it was too late to stop them they were already talking to Alex. She only looked away and then turned back composed, “Hey Alex,” she said turning to gaze at who was sitting with him.

“Trish,” Alex said smiling at her. Somehow her new hair really did suit her and then he caught the slight curiosity in her look as she saw his partner.

“Oh right I’m so rude,” Alex cleared his throat. “Gloria these are my in la- wait really great friends of mine the Dorough’s, Polly and Trish my soon to be ex wife. This is Gloria my partner,” he finished.

“Nice to meet you,” Polly said feeling the tension between Trish and the Gloria girl. “My parents just wanted to say hi when they saw you. But we must go now… It’s nice to see you found a nice job Alex.” Polly said as she began to push her parents and pull on Trish’s arm.

“Nice meeting you all,” Gloria said feeling the awkwardness. She turned to face Alex and felt for his anguish as he saw the way looked at his ex wife. “Wow…” she told him as he finally took a seat again.

“Yeah,” Alex said sighing. “I didn’t plan for that…”

“She seemed a little pissed to me,” Gloria said as she took a sip from her Frapuccino.

Alex smiled, “Probably because she was; knowing her parents they don’t think our divorce is serious and still consider me part of the family. There son is a great friend of mine and he is the one to present me to her. Trish is probably mad about the way they are taking this situation.” He smiled also remembering the glare at Gloria, she was jealous he knew it, he saw it on her face.

“No I think she felt threaten by me… like she was jealous.” Gloria told him as she stood up. “Let’s finish our round,” she told him smiling. “I think you liked it too.”

“So you saw that too?” Alex said smiling he was starting to like Gloria she understood him.

“Yeah it’s my woman intuition, I happen to know what you’re going through. But in my case he gave up on me and well as much as I tried to win him back…” she paused and then spoke again. “It never worked for me because he really had stopped loving me. But your wife… she still loves you. She hates whatever it is you two had problems with but she loves you. I can see right through that wall she is trying put up. Fight…”


“You have to be kidding me!” yelled Trish as she walked into Chelsea’s apartment.

“I assume you’re not so happy with your parents return,” Chelsea said looking up from her book.

“No I am happy but uh!” she said in frustration as she took a seat. “Guess who is working at the airport as Security?”

Chelsea put her book aside and after putting a strand of hair behind her ear spoke, “Why would I know? Just spill it already.”

“Alex!” she said angrily. “My parents don’t think of this situation serious and decided they wanted to go and say hi to him. With me there! The nerve of them… then that Gloria girl flirting with him!”

Chelsea listened with a small smile playing on her lips, “Gloria?”

“Out of all that I told you all you could say is her name?” Trish asked pouting as she began to take off her shoes. “Gloria is his partner but she is very pretty you know… he was all flirty with her and he had the nerve to present her to us.”

“Well he’s moving on like he said he would. Besides maybe they were just on a break? Can I ask you something?” Chelsea asked sitting front of her friend and grabbing her to hands with hers. “Why is that bugging you? Weren’t you hoping for this outcome?”

“It’s… Its not bugging me I am angrier at my parent’s reaction to this. You know my dad wants to go golfing with Alex? It’s like they honestly believe we will get back together.”

“Is there a chance that you will?” Chelsea asked patting her friend’s knee. “It’s ok to forgive your husband and work your problems out. He did come clean when all that things about Karen were happening.”

“No I am determined to move on, you know what I think I am definitely going out with Josh, he seems pretty descent for a college student. He likes Austen too so we might have a lot in common. I’m going to call him,” She told her friend as she walked away and into her room.


Alex had decided to go see his old friends from the station at Chang’s where the hung around after work. There he smiled when he spotted Howie, “So are we going to not talk to each other anymore?” Alex told Howie as he took a seat next to him on the bar.

“No we’re just not going to be related anymore.” Howie told him giving him a smile, “want something to drink?”

“Glass of Jack,” he told the bartender at Chang’s. “I didn’t mean to be so stubborn but I have to admit I couldn’t picture being without your sister. Now I have resigned on ever getting her back.”

“You know what Alex; I didn’t buy the bullshit you said at her birthday party. My question is what are you up to?” Howie said taking a drink from his beer.

Alex smiled at his friend, “That I have stopped loving her? Your right I haven’t but that I am willing to give her what she wants so she can be happy that is true. I can do it… I can forget. I’ve done before with the low life of my father…” Alex said taking the glass of Jack with his hand. “You know I haven’t even called mom to tell her the news.”

“Well I’m still here Alex but you also have to understand that Trish is my sister and I will do whatever it takes to make her happy. Tony is back to courting her… that is a sight to see.” Howie said laughing he was already a little buzzed.

“Tony seriously? He didn’t get it the first time? He’s a dodo head when it comes to romance. He’s a good lawyer but in love man…I have nothing to worry about with him then,” Alex said finishing his drink.

“No but the young guy from Ceasario’s wasn’t so bad,” Howie said feeling bad when he saw the pain it brought to his friend.

“Your not letting her go that easy are you? I know you Alex and you’re up to something… I’ll warn you though; if whatever your conniving doesn’t work promise me you’ll leave her alone. She doesn’t deserve to hurt…” Howie told him as he ordered another beer. “Or I will hurt you myself.”

“I love her; the least I want to do is hurt her. I want her back and that is all I am telling you.” Alex said facing his friend. “Why don’t we play some pool? I know I can beat your ass in that!”