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Alias: FiliKlepto [Contact]
Real Name: Chrissy
User Level: Member
Member since: 06/21/03
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Author Biography


While I love all the boys, Nick is my muse, so all my fanfiction is about him.

My New Year's Resolution is to NOT be George R R Martin and make all of you wait six years for an update. Here's to finally finishing On Nightingale Hill!

On the Rails was voted Best Historical in the 2009 Felix Awards. Thank you so much to whoever nominated & voted for me

On Nightingale Hill received Runner Up for Best Fantasy/Sci-Fi in the 2010 Felix Awards. Thanks for your votes, everyone!

Both stories were also nominated for Most Creative in the 2012 Felix Awards.

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Reviews by FiliKlepto
Summary: A Simple trip to the drug store ends up being anything but...
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Action, Suspense
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 50123
Read Count: 128478

[Report This]
06/24/03 » Updated: 06/24/03
Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 06/25/03 Title: Chapter 1: One

Excellent beginning to a fic. It's very interesting. Your attention to detail gets a very big thumbs up! I love the little things you mention, like the fact that it's too early in the year to see your breath, all the xxx "institutions" around the church, and the bank's Muzak and brown and green interior. The bank robbery was just a sly and really nice touch... Ooh! Suspenseful! I can't wait to read the rest.

Summary: Short and sweet Easter treat :)
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Humor
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 1225
Read Count: 1238

[Report This]
06/24/03 » Updated: 06/24/03
Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 06/25/03 Title: Chapter 1: Hoppin' Down the Bunny Trail

Your fic was completely sweet! In fact, I would like to host it on my site, the Nick Carter Fanfiction Cafe. That's the VERY old and kind of ugly layout. I'm updating the site finally, and you can see what the changes will look like at In fact, I'm hoping to get my site hosted on a friend's server, so Yay! If you'd let me host your fic on my site, please contact me whenever you can, ok? Thanks a lot! This short story made me go "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" ^_^

Broken by RokofAges75 Rated: PG-13 Liked [ - ]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Nick Carter was on top of the world. But three simple words sent him plummeting to rock bottom.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: The Broken Series
Chapters: 151 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 300659
Read Count: 364157

[Report This]
10/15/05 » Updated: 08/13/06
Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed
Date: 08/11/07 Title: Chapter 39: Chapter 39

I'm reading through this as fast as possible so I can read the sequel, which is this month's featured story. But I just had to leave a comment for this chapter: OMG, Brent is a bastard!!!! :O Sure, he didn't know but I'm still mad at him!

That's all I have to say.

Author's Response: Aww, thanks!! Don\'t feel like you have to read EVERYTHING this month, but I appreciate you giving the stories a chance - hope you\'re liking it so far! Thanks for a review! :)

Under My Skin by Mellz Bellz Rated: R Liked [ - ]
Summary: Past Featured StoryIt's been about three years since Alyssa Martinelli and Nick Carter ended their engagement. Now through mutual friends they'll meet again and discover that a lot has changed. Can they overcome the odds? Or will Alyssa learn that no matter how hard you try, you can't make a person change?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content
Series: Not Like We Predicted
Chapters: 64 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 247524
Read Count: 189649

[Report This]
02/08/06 » Updated: 02/23/08
Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed
Date: 11/14/07 Title: Chapter 62: Epilogue


Somehow, this epilogue was more heart-wrenching than anything before!  I think Nick reflecting on the relationship is more than I can bear...  So good!

UMS has had a wonderful run, and I am so looking forward to the sequel.  <3 Congrats!

Author's Response: I was going for that heart wrenching ending which is why I decided to end it with Nick. If you know the song Better Than Me by Hinder it really fits perfectly and makes the scene even more poignant

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 02/05/07 Title: Chapter 38: Chapter Thirty - Seven

Wah! This chapter definitely made up for the suckiness (situationally, not quality-wise) of the last one. If this is what you consider filler, then keep it coming because it was SO sweet and fluffy.

Author's Response: Thanks! As a writer i actually prefer to write the dramatic chapters versus the sweet lovey dovey ones, but I\'ve put Alyssa and Nick through so much that they deserve to be happy for a while I suppose.

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 01/24/07 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter Four

*g* Oooh, the plot thickens! I love how you've really built up the tension between Alyssa and Nick and they haven't even met yet. So awesome!

Author's Response: Thank you! Considering Nick doesn\'t really step back into the picture until Chapter 7 I have to really work on that suspense.

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 01/24/07 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter Six

Wow! That flashback to their first kiss sent chills down my spine.

Author's Response: Really? Wow thanks lol. It\'s not one of my best parts I felt like, but it means a lot that someone else liked it!Thank you for your reviews

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 01/24/07 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter Eleven

I really like how you're unfolding their past, and the story of how they said "I love you" for the first time was so sweet! Haha, I feel like I am mass-commenting you as I read. O_O

Author's Response: That\'s perfectly all right! I don\'t mind the mass commenting at all! lol

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 01/24/07 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter Thirteen

"It's okay Nick," she assured him as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "We probably just needed to get that out of her systems. Now its happened and we can move on." == Best recovery ever! I really love the way things are progressing with these two.

Author's Response: Thanks! And just think you\'re only on Ch 13. There\'s so much more to come lol

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 01/26/07 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty

Wow, I really enjoyed this chapter! You write Nick's perspective so naturally and convincingly that it's easy to understand why his life is happening the way it is. Great stuff!

Author's Response: Thank you. I love writing about Nick because he\'s such an angsty person, that I feel like he has a lot of issues. He\'s a very versatile person and great to write about!

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 01/28/07 Title: Chapter 37: Chapter Thirty - Six

Oh my gosh!!! *dies* First, I've run out of chapters to read. And, second, I can't believe you just dropped that bomb with Stephanie. >:O I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Yay for getting all caught up! (I have to go back and read yours but theres just so many fics and so lil time lol) Yea the Steph bomb is shocking, but I love doing things like that as a writer. Certainly makes things interesting lol

Author's Response: Yay for getting all caught up! (I have to go back and read yours but theres just so many fics and so lil time lol) Yea the Steph bomb is shocking, but I love doing things like that as a writer. Certainly makes things interesting lol

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 03/14/07 Title: Under My Skin

Hey, no worries. I'm caught up in a similar level of business and have no idea when I'll be able to update next! I can't believe you're working two jobs AND going for your Masters at the same time. Go you!

Author's Response: Yea its PRETTY rough, but the two job thing is only until I can find something more permanent that\'ll guartntee me work everyday. I try to think positive and just focus on the money coming in, but its not easy sometimes.

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 03/20/07 Title: Chapter 41: Chapter Forty

Intense! That's the only word to sum up this chapter. Between that hot scene in LA and the revealing flashback, this was one of my most favorite chapters so far. You're doing a great job in spite of being so busy. Keep up the awesome work! Oh, and congrats on hitting chapter 40.

Author's Response: Thanks! I can\'t believe I\'m up to Chapter 40 as well! I\'ve never written anything so long. I\'m planning this story to be roughly a little over 50, so we\'re starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 04/08/07 Title: Chapter 42: Chapter Forty - One

I'm love it when Nick and Alyssa are together just so I can read about their interactions! I groan at Nick's "babies," as well. The H2 is not an SUV, it's a monster! XD

Great job tying-in Kevin. I noticed the hint back in the Christmas chapter, so it's cool that you followed up on it.

Another great chapter. Yay for being featured!

Author's Response: I try to make Alyssa and Nick very flirty and playful because I would go nuts as a writer having them be all lovey dovey and romantic. It prolly would make me vomit lol. Yea... I REALLY hate Hummers so when I saw Punked I was just like OMG... No he didn\'t LOL. I can live w/ the beemer though hehe. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked
Date: 04/27/07 Title: Under My Skin

Awww, I totally thought this was a new chapter! XD It's okay, though, I'll sit tight and I look forward to the next one~

Author's Response: I wish! I\'m trying to write, but oddly enough I actually write better when I can have AOL open to distract me every few lines lol