User Profile

Alias: ForeverRebel [Contact]
Real Name: Ashley
User Level: Member
Member since: 08/29/03
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Author Biography

My Stories

Angel On My Shoulder

Summary: Aleigha's life has been less than perfect since her mother got remarried. The lies she has to tell have been piling up while constantly protecting her mom and little sister Danielle from the horror that lives in their house. When Aleigha's friend gets tickets and backstage passes to a Backstreet Boys concert, she finally gets to meet Nick Carter. When he starts to ask questions about her life, Aleigha tells him the truth. Can Nick do anything to save her or will it be too late?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Nick
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Child Abuse, Graphic Violence, Mild Sexual Content, Sexual Assault/Rape

Chapters: 5 [Table of Contents]
Published: 03/19/04 | Updated: 05/26/04
Word Count: 33743 | Read Count: 73 | Completed: No



Summary: Brian and Ashley have been best friends since childhood. They love each other very much and many people tell them that they're meant to be. Some even say that they're soulmates. The problem? Ashley's parents have been abusing her, her entire life and are determined to kill her. Will Brian and the rest of the Backstreet Boys be able to stop them and deal with all their emotional problems a long the way? Or is soulmates just not enough for this couple?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Nick
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Child Abuse, Graphic Sexual Content, Graphic Violence, Sexual Assault/Rape, Slash F/F

Chapters: 2 [Table of Contents]
Published: 10/22/06 | Updated: 10/25/06
Word Count: 3265 | Read Count: 16 | Completed: No


From This Moment

Summary: Ashley's mother dies of cancer so she is forced to live with her father AJ whom shes never met, hates, and doesnt want anything to do with. Can AJ win her love back again? Or will she hate him forever?


Unspoken Life

Summary: Brian's Daughter was born unable to talk. When his wife leaves him in fear of raising a mute he is forced to raise her all on his own. But with being a busy Backstreet Boy and all can he handle it? What happens when his wife comes back years later and tries to take her away? (Inspired by someone I used to help at school who doesn't talk)


The One

Summary: Ashley's parents die in a car accident when she is 11 years old, and she gets sent to an Orphanage. Because of how tramatized she is, she refuses to talk to anyone. Six years later Brian's parents adopt her. There is only one person who can get her to talk, who is that?

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Favorite TV Shows

Reviews by ForeverRebel
Left Behind by LenniluvsBrian Rated: PG [ - ]

Being Hannah Montana's secret sister isn't all it's cracked up to be - especially not when you get left behind.



Categories: Fanfiction > TV Series > Hanna Montana
Characters: Hannah Montana, Jackson Stewart, Lilly Truscott, Miley Stewart, Oliver Oaken, Other, Robbie Stewart
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 39599
Read Count: 42261

[Report This]
05/24/08 » Updated: 10/05/10
Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 09/30/10 Title: Chapter 22: Don't Wanna Be Torn

OMG, was it your goal to make me cry? *wipes eyes* good thing I already took my eyeliner off or it would be running all down my cheeks LOL. Great chapter, I loved it, although you might want to fix the fact that half of it is in italics m'dear ;)


Author's Response: Oye vey. And I? was careful about the italics thing too - lol. Hehe. I should've put a *Kleenex* warning.

Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 09/21/10 Title: Chapter 20: One Step Closer

Hehe, cute chapter. Can't wait to see how the oprah show unfolds *snickers*

Author's Response: Oh, it's say the ;)

Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 09/23/10 Title: Chapter 21: Don't Air The Dirty Laundry!

lol simply wonderful. I Can't wait for the next one =)

Author's Response: I feel kinda sad that there's only 2 chapters left. This story was two years of my life! Lol.

Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 10/11/10 Title: Chapter 23: Surprise!

AWWWW *sniff* I loved it I loved it I loved it! And Trixie is ONE lucky girl! lol. Good story =)

Author's Response: Glad you liked it! And in this ending, yes, she is extremely lucky! Lol.

Run for Your Life! by Mare Rated: PG-13 [ - ]

A response to the July picture challenge over at the AC forum.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Humor, Supernatural
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 1463
Read Count: 1185

[Report This]
07/11/08 » Updated: 07/11/08
Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 07/12/08 Title: Chapter 1: Run for Your Life!

Roflmao this was really cute I loved it! Good job Mare =)

Author's Response: LOL thanks!

Have It All by Sarahg91, kelly71 Rated: NC-17 [ - ]
Summary: When AJ and Kelly Clarkson meet they are unable to ignore the definite chemistry between them. Between busy schedules and the mistakes of past relationships will they be able to make things work?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Group, Nick, Other
Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 48 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 152217
Read Count: 17655

[Report This]
08/02/08 » Updated: 08/25/12
Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 08/10/09 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 30

It's Lenni - I'm in my friend's account-lol.

Lmao @ the bra part! I know people used to give Nick condoms with their phone numbers on them - lol. Crazy fans - and I'm one of 'em! Well, crazy, but not enough to hand them a condom or under garment - lol.

Glad she's willing to take a chance on him & he'd better NOT cheat on her or I WILL kick his ass!!!! Lol.



Summary: Ashley is just your typical 12 year old girl; young, carefree and happy. Being raised by a single-mom hasn’t always been easy for her. Her mom had to work hard for the little they had, but they had each other and the help from their family.

When her mom is called away on a business trip she is left in the care of her older cousin, Alex, who is on break from recording and touring with the Backstreet Boys. She hasn’t seen him much since he’s been on tour and she’s excited to finally spend some quality time with him. Then the unexpected occurs, and her life is changed forever. Will she be able to move on and create a new life for herself or will all the changes prove to be too much for her?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Other
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Sexual Assault/Rape, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: A New Beginning
Chapters: 86 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 169221
Read Count: 137157

[Report This]
09/24/08 » Updated: 09/19/09
Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 08/11/09 Title: Chapter 80: Chapter 79

It's Lenni-lol.

Oooh. I liked the Build-a-Bear present, especially since I made myself one the other day - only mine's a dog & a High School Musical/Hannah Montana freak-lol.

I love A.J.! Can I please, please, PLEASE steal him as m brother!?!?? Lol.



Author's Response: haha yea actually i was looking through your pics on facebook and decided to add in the build a bear lol so thanks for inadvertently inspiring me haha...glad u liked it :)

On The Rails by FiliKlepto Rated: PG-13 [ - ]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Nick Carter, traveling musician-slash-train stowaway is joined by a girl thrown out of her home during the Great Depression.  But in order to keep their cover, Carla must become Nick's traveling companion "Carl," a mute boy who plays the piano.  As they wander the country, Carla learns to trust Nick and tells him the truth about her past, but she soon realizes that he has secrets of his own.



Author's note: This story and time period have lived and grown in my head for so long that I forget what are facts and what are flights of fancy. So please take historical discrepancies with a grain of salt, and pretend that I intentionally took an artistic license!

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Historical, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 38071
Read Count: 29297

[Report This]
12/18/08 » Updated: 04/03/11
Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 06/30/09 Title: Chapter 8: VIII: A Rising Star

Hehe, I love that you brought Brian into the story. I'm wondering how Nick will react when he finds out about Carla going solo haha. Great chapter, I can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: I'm sure that by the end of the fic, when you find out my original idea for bringing Brian into the story, you'll be happy I decided to make him the most famous crooner in America. ♥  Glad you liked it!

Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 01/26/09 Title: Chapter 1: Intro: Fall 1929 & I: February 1932

This is a very creative idea...writing a story that takes place in the depression. I like it =) Poor Carla being kicked out of her home...I couldn't even imagine how hard that must be, especially in those times. This was a good chapter I liked it a lot and i'll read the rest and catch up a little bit later.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for coming over here from "On Nightingale Hill" ♥  You don't know how much it means to me that you're taking the time to check this one out!

Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 02/01/09 Title: Chapter 2: II: Two Days Later

Awww this was a cute chapter and I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed the first one. Now I am onto the next =)

Author's Response:

Yay~  I'm posting a new chapter later today, as well ^_^  I've just been reading it over and over trying to decide whether or not I'm happy with it :P

Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 02/01/09 Title: Chapter 3: III: Wednesday

Hahaha...Nick's reaction to Carla's hair cut was priceless. I'm glad that he is going to let Carla travel with him. Very good chapter.

Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 02/01/09 Title: Chapter 4: IV: Later Wednesday

Loved it, loved it =)

Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 02/01/09 Title: Chapter 5: V: Arriving in Belleville

"You're honestly going to cry, aren't you? Don't cry, I hate it when girls cry!" lmao...that's my favorite line so far in this whole story. But aww, poor Carla. I'm loving this story, but then again I love everything you write =) I will finish catching up later but for now I have to go.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and all the reviews!  I think that you alone have doubled my reviews count.  =D

Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 02/04/09 Title: Chapter 6: VI: Piano Lessons in Melancholy

Aww, I really like Mrs Randal =D This chapter was cute, such good work as always. Now onto the next...

Author's Response:

Mrs. Randal is such a sweetheart~ I like her a lot, too!

Reviewer: ForeverRebel Signed
Date: 02/04/09 Title: Chapter 7: VII: April Showers, Girls and Sours I would've laughed too. Good chapter! and yay I am finally all caught up. Update soon please =D

Author's Response: This weekend I'm going to Boston to see my BF, so I'll probably be busy, heeeh ♥  But expect an update next weekend for sure~