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Alias: Kyrie [Contact]
Real Name: Erin
User Level: Member
Member since: 03/10/13
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Author Biography

I'm a huge BSB fan and have been since they created the group. My favorite stories to write are about AJ and Nick but I read all types of stories created by other authors! I've been writing for only a couple of years but I've grown to love it and it's a great outlet for creativity.

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Reviews by Kyrie
The Marauders by Pengi Rated: PG-13 [ - ]
Moony. Wormtail. Padfoot. Prongs. Their adventures were the stuff of Hogwarts legend. But there are untold stories, stories that only the four of them know. Come along and discover the true tale of the Marauders of Hogwarts...

Categories: Fanfiction > Movies > Harry Potter
Characters: James Potter, Lily Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Maurauders, Other, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Sirius Black
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Death, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 924 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 1996099
Read Count: 943721

[Report This]
08/29/15 » Updated: 02/12/18
Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/22/17 Title: Chapter 854: You Stupid Girl

He needs to be happy with Lily!!! And she was a stupid girl who, I hope, is smart ending up!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/22/17 Title: Chapter 855: Not Hiring

Okay James, enough! You've proven you can get any girl you want, now focus on the one you truly want and stop snogging every girl under the sun!!! LOL

I'm so glad that Florean is willing to help Jasper!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 803: Friends That Snog

Really? Friends? Lily Evans, you need to fess up and make this official!!! LOL

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 804: Dragon!

Really Bilius? You leave two boys unattended? They're probably in Gringott's by now looking for a dragon!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 805: Gringott's Bank

These two really are a handful!!!! LOL

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 806: The Dragon Standoff

That was awful! I know they needed to get the boys back but the dragon was just trying to keep them safe. They didn't need to beat her! I'm glad the Prewitt brothers found another way!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 807: Professor Sirius Black

What's Hogwart's without a little mischief!!! I think Sirius is going to be very sore after that comment!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 808: Black Sheep

I'm glad Sirius has settled down, at least from being mad!!! LOL I feel very badly for James, I think he really wanted Lily to say yes :-(

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 809: May I Call You Minnie?

Good, I'm so glad she gave him another chance. I agree, hover over students is awful!! I really hope Lily rethinks her position.

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 810: The S.S.E.A.W. Pledge

I love Minnie!!! She's probably one of my favorite people at Howarts!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 811: Bertie Bott's

This bunch is awesome!!! LOL

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 812: No Sugar Tonight

Lily really needs to set the record straight, Potter deserves at least that! He stayed with her through her nightmare and held her close, he deserves something!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 813: Fencing

That is true! Remus is right, James deserves better. Either she likes him or not, it's not fair leading him on and then insulting him in public. I know James loves her but I'd tell her to bugger off until she decides!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 814: The Muggle Murderer

He has a point! The Death Eaters are going way too far. It's one thing for them to attack people who can fight back but Muggles can't. And I agree with Lily, it sounds like they've sentenced him already!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 03/05/17 Title: Chapter 815: Be Careful Out There

I hope he doesn't bargain!! Lily needs to stop, I'm getting really upset with her. Just admit it!