Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 39155
Read Count: 1823
Co-written with Shrinkingviolet
Always flipping through the various songs of his career, Howie Dorough comes to a hard realization. That his voice is missing. Somehow, through the years, he has disappeared from existence. And, with the disappearance of his voice also comes the disappearance of his soul. Unable to handle the stress of the Backstreet Boys, Howie opts for a small vacation before the promo tour of Never Gone can begin. Kevin, facing his own demons of ignorance and underappreciation, decides to join Howie on his trip, never realizing the beauty they could find after being left behind.
Co-written with Shrinkingviolet
Nick Carter was on top of the world. But three simple words sent him plummeting to rock bottom.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: The Broken Series
Chapters: 151 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 300659
Read Count: 413585
Summary: Five men trying to fulfill their destinies as they venture from genre to genre hoping upon last hope that one of those genres fits them perfectly...will it be drama? Or perhaps suspense? Maybe sci fi or slash or... "Excuse me, don't want to be a bother but..." Writer: I'm in the middle of our summary what now Nick? "Well it's just that if it were up to us we wouldn't be in this story at all it's you that wants us to find a place not us." Writer: Oh whatever...just read it people or I off the cute blonde! "Hey!"
By the 3 M's
Marina (just marina)