Fic Talk > Updates
Born To Be - New Story!
Four. :P
Okay, I updated with a new chapter. Yay me!
Also...preview from the new chapter that's been posted. hehe
It was then the howls seeped into their senses. Howls that pierced your soul with the haunting savageness and destruction you could feel from just one note. Her eyes skipped over worriedly. There was no time, for surely they had sensed them by now. She grabbed Nick’s hand. “Come on.”
“Wait, what is going on here!?”
“We can save all questions till later. Otherwise you’ll just up dying again.”
The look of confusion sprung forth upon his youthful pretty face. A face that had garnered him the attention of millions of girls. Here however, it meant nothing. “Die again? What the hell is going on!”
And by the way Dee...five! :P
--- Quote from: Rose on April 27, 2008, 04:04:56 AM ---And by the way Dee...five! :P
--- End quote ---
Four, duh! :P
Updated! So go check it out :)
I just updated (I know, finally right? For like the 4 people reading it lmao). Enjoy.
I love this story, so expect more updates hopefully soon. If not it's cause I've been uber inspired for my latest collab :D
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