Well lets see...I never put all of me in a character. But I think every author puts some of themselves in the story, and some of the character into them. It's like a blend almost on both sides. Cause you have to get into their head, and they end up in yours a little.
And I think I sound crazy now lol.
Different aspects of me go into different characters. Me, I have a few examples: Cally (from Just Another Day) admittedly got the most of any character I've written. But she's way too...much of a people pleaser lol. I am very outspoken haha, and never could be like that. And she has too many confidence issues. Kayden (from Rehab) got my outspoken side lmao, only exaggerated cause I don't punch someone when I'm pissed lmao. And Pearl from 00Carter got my sense of humor. So, no author should make the character completely them. But some should go in, cause the story in the end is part of you...and you write what you know.
Actually none of me goes into my BSB characters though. I base Nick off my best friend, who Nick actually reminds me of and vise versa. So my Nick is a blend of what I see of him in real life, and of my best friend Chris. Ironically enough a lot of people tell me I portray Nick really well and how they think he might really be lol. So, it works.
Many of my characters are based off people I know in real life hehe. I tell my friends if I ever get published they'll be famous.