I understand that when you run your own site to host your stuff, but especially if AC hosts the awards.... Everyone's gotten at least a little publicity by their stories showing up on the "most recent" page. And with the wealth of stories on AC, it seems unfair for people to be nominating themselves, especially with 1000+ stories and 200+ authors when, more than likely, only ten nominees per category will be accepted (basically because that number is usually the norm).
Oh yea! That's another thing. We should definitely put a cap on how many categories a nominee can be in. Not mentioning names, but i know of other award sites that were literally swept by ONE story.
I think that if we nominate just from AC everyone has a fair chance as long as you've updated recently. Dee is right... Your story was up front on the Most Recent page at one time or another. Besides not all of the writers have websites. I tried the website thing a few years ago and I couldn't keep up with it. That's why I LOVE AC!