And Dee, nah you weren't a spoiled sport, just a kid! I have kinda a funny story about milk and cows though... I don't know if anyone is familiar with Wells Blue Bunny (they make milk, ice cream, pretty much all dairy products) Anyway, Wells is based out of my hometown, so growing up we always had Wells Blue Bunny milk, the carton had a Blue Bunny on it (no one said Iowans were orginal) and it was the only kind of milk that I had ever had. We went to visit my aunt & uncle in South Dakota one summer and they had a cow that they milked that supplied milk for their family. I refused to drink the cow milk because I only liked milk that came from bunnies. And as hard as my parents tried to convince me that cows made all milk, being the stubborn four year old that I was, I was not about to drink anything other than bunny milk. So, I ate dry cereal and drank Kool-Aid the whole week we were there. LoL