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Purpura Lipstick:
me me, I was a slacker this time... *hides* but now you've gone and changed the plot on me and I have to start over


--- Quote from: Purpura Lipstick on June 16, 2008, 11:51:50 PM ---me me, I was a slacker this time... *hides* but now you've gone and changed the plot on me and I have to start over

--- End quote ---

Actually it wasn't you I was thinking of. :) You wrote yours pretty quick after I did a reminder. So it's all good.

It's all good.  We can post the parts from "the lost episode" as a behind the scenes feature.  Heck, if you wanna finish that first part of yours, Lore, we'd have quite a few parts in a row to post together.

I love you for your siggy and avvy Julie lmao

And I you. ;D


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