Fic Talk > Updates
lol which is why posting epis on AC is now officially your job cause me I'm so not like that lmao. So once we actually get the next part finished and we update here with epi 4, you can do it LOL
I'm leaving it up to you how to do it lol. Aren't I sweet? ;D :D
Okay, here's what it looks like with every part of Remember Me under 2000 (or close enough to it):
What I started doing was breaking it up so that each character's flashback is in a different part. I combined a few of the shorter parts towards the end so we wouldn't have 500-700 word chapters. I kinda like it separated that way, but it's 11 parts. So if we like it 11 parts, I will want to go back and break the first two episodes up a little more too, so it doesn't look like Remember Me is just insanely long (even though it is LOL). Thoughts?
The many, many parts per episode makes me think maybe we should do what we were going to do in the first place and make them each a separate story in a series... but the thing with that is, the number of stories is really going to add up, and all of those stories are going to be listed under each of our names. While we'd quickly rise to the top of the prolific author list LOL, it seems like it would get kind of cluttered and choke out our other stories. I think I would still rather keep it all in one story, rather than a series.
lmao wow that is a lot of parts.
I say keeping it around 3000 a chapter is better. That or breaking it up into separate stories.
I had no idea when I figured I could do this today it'd be such a project lol
Alright, got it back down to 6 parts LOL. I agree; around 3000 is good. We'll just keep that the norm for the rest of it. Ice Ice Baby will probably be about 5-6 parts too.
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