Fic Talk > Updates

Oh My God, Reb's Back Again!!!

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Purpura Lipstick:
totally trying to wait patiently for Interference. :-D


--- Quote from: Carter-Orange on October 11, 2011, 06:59:25 AM ---Hmm now that's a thought!  Just kidding, lol.

--- End quote ---

LOL!! Noooo, please don't!! :P

--- Quote from: Purpura Lipstick on October 11, 2011, 11:53:10 AM ---totally trying to wait patiently for Interference. :-D

--- End quote ---

LOL!! Too funny!! I'll work on that update!! I've started on it a little bit, but stopped to work on other stories, so I'll get around to working on it again! :)

I have updated Last Christmas!! Just two more chapters left of that story people, and I'll be done!! I feel sooo proud of myself! ;D LOL. Of course, if it wasn't for you ALL, that story would have, of course, probably never been completed, lol. You guys have truly encouraged and inspired me, so thank YOU ALL!!

Now that I've cranked out two updates for Last Christmas, I'll try to focus my attention on working on the updates for Satan's Playground, Thicker Than Blood, Interference and When Doves Cry! :)

Updated Last Christmas! Second to the last chapter, almost done with this damn story people! ;D Lol.

So, I came up with yet another story idea! It's gonna be another supernatural story, with action, suspense, and maybe even a little horror. It'll be different because angels will be thrown into the mix. I wouldn't mind collabing with someone on this idea who'd like to collab with me, so feel free to hit me up! ;D


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