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Oh My God, Reb's Back Again!!!

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--- Quote from: rebellious_one on October 26, 2011, 01:12:30 AM ---*le gasp* I beg to differ woman! I'm sure if you and I were to collab, or Ritz and I were to collab, it'd be AN AMAZING STORY!!! I mean c'mon, I'd be pairing myself with such talented women, can't go wrong with that! ;)

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Hey! do you really know what you're talking about? LOL If you have read my response to one of your reviews, I told you I'd turned down your offer, because I don't want to ruin how you write this beautiful story perfectly.

I just hope you know how happy and proud I was when I read you considered collaborating with me for this story. That was just fucking awesome, and hope someday it would happen.... definitely a dream come true. :)

Updated "The Archangels" again, with the third chapter! ;D

Update "The Archangels"! ;D

Purpura Lipstick:
read it! Love this story!


--- Quote from: Alexsgirl_ritz on October 26, 2011, 03:13:41 AM ---Hey! do you really know what you're talking about? LOL If you have read my response to one of your reviews, I told you I'd turned down your offer, because I don't want to ruin how you write this beautiful story perfectly.

I just hope you know how happy and proud I was when I read you considered collaborating with me for this story. That was just fucking awesome, and hope someday it would happen.... definitely a dream come true. :)

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*le gasp* I have read your review my dear, and I can't believe that you'd feel that you'd RUIN it!!! I truly beg to differ!!  :o But, thank you sooo much for the compliments on this story love! :)

And hun, I'd love nothing more than to collaborate with, collaborate with Lore, and many other authors. You guys are such talented writers, that it'd be an honor for ME to write a story with you ladies! ;D I have yet to succesfully write and complete a collab with someone (the closest thing I had was my story with Hannah that I disappeared on, but I'd love to finish with her! :)) so to actually complete a collab story with you great authors would be a dream come true for me!!! :)

--- Quote from: Purpura Lipstick on October 27, 2011, 12:23:07 AM ---read it! Love this story!

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Aww shucks, thanks Lore!! ;D Btw, I read and reviewed the first chapter of Chronos Project!! I fucking LOVE it girl, and can't wait to continue to read it!!! ;D


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