Fic Talk > Updates

Drop it like it's hot! Or... Updates from Dee. :o)

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So this is the first week when I didn’t have a plan of what to talk about! Maybe now that we’re not all enjoying PBox updates anymore, the first question should be: “How’s it going?” So how is it going? We’ve been talking about series over in 2 Writing 2 Thread and I honestly don’t have a lot of answers on the questions for PBox et al., specifically because I’m still writing it. I’ve mentioned that I didn’t know it was a series when I started (late 2005), but I did know that it was a series around the time I wrote ch. 24 “The Endless Ice of Rubiihoppou,” so halfway through the first book (some time in early 2006). And I felt like I was able to create a novel’s complete story that stood on its own and laid the foundation for a larger story that wasn’t quite finished. If anyone doesn’t think so, you should probably tell me, haha.

You can go read it in my featured story thread from July 2007 (so long ago), but at that point I was pretty sure it would be four stories: PBox, this current one (which was always PNecklace, even back then), the prequel type one (if it’s interesting enough; it was just called Pandora back then), and a fourth one (at the time, I liked the name Ragnarok, as it says in the thread). But as you know, I took a break from PBox et al. after finishing PBox and now it’s been many years. Around 2015ish is when PNecklace and Pandora started to exist on paper and out of my head, but only in very tiny pieces (which is still five years after I began this journey; I sound like I’m on the Bachelor).

When I originally envisioned Pandora in 2006/2007, it started out as a “let’s talk about the warring states era and all that fun background information that I have about the story and their little fantastical world.” Which I think is really interesting, but it’s got nothing to do with any of our main characters, not even Nick -- who’s kind of the thread that ties everyone together, as you’ve probably noticed. In 2015, Pandora became more of the “what’s happening to our friends from the moment the story really starts” that it is these days. It also got a name change based on where our characters were at the time in their lives and motivations; it’s not really about any Pandoras per se (though our gals in Rubiihoppou and Topazuseihou do have more to do then since that’s when they’re actively Pandora-ing), it’s about their legend. So before our main characters (and Nick specifically) care about the “Box,” they care about the “Legend,” if that makes sense. I’m still kind of on the fence about posting that one; it’s all interesting, but not as fun as enjoying our Boys together, you know? So I’ve been trying to decide if I just hang on to it or if it’s a “here’s some more fun stuff when I feel like writing it” type story. It has most of the first and second chapters and the last chapter written. Though I feel like the last chapter might be better served overall as pieces in an upcoming yet-to-be fully written chapter of PNecklace, similar to what happened with a sooner upcoming chapter of PNecklace (you’ll be jazzed when you get there, I hope). We’ll see.

I think I’ve mentioned it, but PNecklace ch. 1 was originally envisioned as ch. 1 - ch. 3. But again, not as much fun as when everyone’s back together. This was honestly probably my hang up when I started rewriting. It needed to be there, but I was dragging it out more than necessary. It’s all much better as one chapter (or at least, I think so anyway). It was exciting to see that a lot of people (or a lot of spam bots) were curious about PNecklace when it first appeared (or “a lot” by my standards, I’m pretty used to not having hoards of readers), but I lost about half of them once we got to ch. 3. That’s probably the time when they were like “They’re not the Backstreet Boys, they’re demons? WTF!” Or they hadn’t read PBox and thought, “Well, I’m not reading another 50 chapters so that this story makes sense!” haha. Thanks to everyone who stuck around; we’re embarking on a fun new adventure together.

It’s weird not getting any feedback, not that I ever got a lot, and still have no idea how many people hated me for Backstreet deaths. So without feedback, I’m trying to base enjoyment on the read counter. If someone is clicking on it, then I figure it’s going okay? I never really looked at the read counter before, but I guess it’s helpful now. The PBox one is wild. Of course the first chapter has the most hits, but the one with the second most is ch. 32 “Stone Soldier.” Why? Who knows! Of the chapters focusing more on an individual Boy, ch. 7 “The Demon King” actually has more hits than ch. 2 “The Hidden Demon,” which is also kind of wild to me. Go Howie! (I guess?) Or maybe everyone took it to heart when I suggested rereading and enjoying when Nick met the other Boys (complete with anxious shouting, growling, and fist shaking). There’s an upcoming chapter of PNecklace that I’m actually pretty nervous to post (and excited), so I might specifically mention at the end of that one, “Please tell me! Any way you can! Forum, snail mail, telepathy, whatever!” Otherwise, I’m just over here meandering because I really started writing this story for me and our friend stubborn, persistent, plucky Nick; if anyone else is enjoying it, it’s really just a bonus for me, but I appreciate anyone who is enjoying it. So thank you once again for enjoying and continuing on this journey with us.

Overall, PNecklace is going well! I feel less concerned about long writer’s blocks because y’all are on ch. 9 (or will be as of this week anyway) and I’m writing ch. 22/25. Now, if I get stuck here and don’t figure it out by May 5th or so (longer if I decide to post some PLegend for a few weeks), then we’ll have a problem! Keep sending me good vibes, basically. I’m a little stuck on ch. 22, but I wrote some more yesterday and haven’t been forcing it if I’m not feeling inspired -- no blank page guilt or anything over here. Meanwhile, I have also written some more to fill in what was already “interesting things that begged to be written down,” so ch. 24 is done and ch. 25 is taking shape (and as I mentioned, I originally thought ch. 23 was ch. 22, so that’s been done since early December along with ch. 1 - ch. 21). The next few upcoming chapters (post-ch. 24) feel like they’ll just fall into line nicely as well; I’ve been filling in even more interesting things that beg to be written from them since finishing the PBox edits. Hopefully ch. 22 isn’t what does me in and holds off an entire rest of a novel from being posted, basically! I’m sure that it’s all going to be okay; I have a good feeling about how this is going.

Oh, we also briefly discussed “noodle incidents” in 2 Writing 2 Thread and I couldn’t think of any I’d added, even though I think they’re fun. And then I realized that there’s probably at least a few things in PBox that y’all think are noodle incidents, but I know that they’re not. So, here’s a fun game (Julie doesn’t read this thread, but I’m sure she’d call me fanfic Jigsaw again for that): tell me about anything in PBox that you think is a noodle incident. When I answer, I will either say “oh, oops” or I will cackle and pet my plot bunnies. I’d be willing to bet money that you’d get more of the latter than the former.

I don’t really have an idea for next week’s author talk either, so if there’s something you’ve been dying to know about PBox or PNecklace, just ask! Of course, I will not reveal spoilers, as you know (unless they’re 10 year old spoilers from PBox -- no one has said they don’t like them). But any background information, anything about the characters, themes, settings, clothing, daily life in Safaiananpou/the other countries, whatever. Ask away. I’m always here to chat.

No pictures for the time being, so this part is just links.

If you would still like to read PBox, I will include both location links below. While all fifty chapters of PBox are complete, it is undergoing the tiniest cursory edit where I change the paragraph alignment of the "~*~" and fix a couple errant commas, but otherwise it's all there. Feedback is always appreciated. :)

Pandora's Box on Absolute Chaos

Pandora's Box on AO3

Please find updates as follows (links included in titles):

Chapter Nine ("Misgivings") of Pandora's Necklace on Absolute Chaos

Chapter Two ("Kiresaseru") of Pandora's Necklace on AO3 (If you wanted to leave feedback on the physical story instead of chatting here. You've been able to read this chapter here at AC since December.)

Enjoy! Continue to feel free to ask me anything and get answers. Our blast from the past continues... Nick's matured so much since PBox; I'm proud of him! :) And now this series may finally pass the Bechdel test every now and again! (Does anyone care about that in their BSB fanfics?) This is wild; all done with updates before 4:30pm. What do I do with the rest of the day now?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on February 10, 2021, 05:13:56 PM ---Of the chapters focusing more on an individual Boy, ch. 7 “The Demon King” actually has more hits than ch. 2 “The Hidden Demon,” which is also kind of wild to me. Go Howie! (I guess?) Or maybe everyone took it to heart when I suggested rereading and enjoying when Nick met the other Boys (complete with anxious shouting, growling, and fist shaking).

--- End quote ---

I posted this and Nick's introductory chapter (ch. 2) jumped about 10 views. Someone (or something) out there wants Nick to have the most views on his introduction, obviously. lmao It's not me, I swear.

This week marked the first time I’ve really felt frustrated with PNecklace. I started working on the most recent chapter I finished (ch. 22) back on January 30th. It typically takes me anywhere between one day (if I’m particularly inspired) and three days to finish a chapter. Five days would be the maximum. I decided not to push writing it to avoid the frustration, but I constantly found myself worrying about why it was so difficult. What was it about this chapter? It wasn’t even a particularly weighty one, it was just the lead up to a few other events. I’m hoping that this isn’t a repeated pattern. I remember my frustrating times with PBox and they were absolutely abysmal. I don’t know that I could handle that again and especially not this early in the writing process.

I also had a heck of a time editing this week’s chapter for the update. I can usually do that in a few hours, but it took me three days. I think I’m just really nervous about how this one comes across. I mentioned in the 2 Writing 2 Thread that there were some PBox chapters I originally worried about posting for various reasons and Beta Sigma Beta as a whole. I also mentioned there was an upcoming PNecklace chapter that I was both nervous and excited about. This week's update is that chapter. I’m hoping this long editing time is just me wanting to make this chapter the best it can be before handing it off to you all and not the new normal (again, not sure I could handle the abysmal PBox frustrating times again).

I know I normally have a lot to say, but I think this week, I just want to send PNecklace off into the world after these frustrations. So… I guess, continue to send me good vibes. I still have a semi-decent chapter hoard and will continue to add to it as I update for you all.

And now for your updates!

If you would still like to read PBox, I will include both location links below. While all fifty chapters of PBox are complete, it is undergoing the tiniest cursory edit where I change the paragraph alignment of the "~*~" and fix a couple errant commas, but otherwise it's all there. Feedback is always appreciated. :)

Pandora's Box on Absolute Chaos

Pandora's Box on AO3

Please find updates as follows (links included in titles):

Chapter Ten ("Fear") of Pandora's Necklace on Absolute Chaos (Eagle eyed fans who have paid attention to all my musings may notice that I listed "Fear" as a chapter in PNecklace that may be among my favorites. I'm sure those same people are curious to know why... Now you'll know. Maybe you'll be as excited as I am about it.)

Chapter Three ("Unbroken") of Pandora's Necklace on AO3 (If you wanted to leave feedback on the physical story instead of chatting here. You've been able to read this chapter here at AC since December.)

Enjoy! Continue to feel free to ask me anything and get answers. And if you have opinions on this week's chapter, I'd love to hear them. I rarely fish for feedback and probably won't afterward, but... yeah, I'd love it for this one.

This week, I'd love to talk about our favorite Woobie -- Destroyer of Worlds, Nick. That's hardly true, if anything, Nick is a Woobie -- Savior of Worlds (if such a thing existed, since the first trope is more of a villain trope) or, realistically, an Iron Woobie by the time PBox really gets going. However Woobie -- Destroyer of Worlds is just fun to say, that's why I thought I'd roll with it... But Iron Woobie -- Savior of Worlds is equally as fun and more accurate!

As some of you know, I'm currently toying with the process of editing the fanfic out of PBox (and it is a process, even in an AU and fantasy story). I've recruited a couple of friends to help me through the process (fresh eyes, if you will) and one of them recently commented on Nick's mood whiplash between ch. 3 and ch. 4; I could tell they were not expecting "Yeah, he's a bit of a prickly porcupine in the beginning.


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