Fic Talk > Updates

Drop it like it's hot! Or... Updates from Dee. :o)

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And now for your updates!

If you would still like to read PBox, I will include both location links below. While all fifty chapters of PBox are complete, it is undergoing the tiniest cursory edit where I change the paragraph alignment of the "~*~" and fix a couple errant commas, but otherwise it's all there. Feedback is always appreciated. :)

Pandora's Box on Absolute Chaos

Pandora's Box on AO3

Please find updates as follows (links included in titles):

Chapter Eleven ("Truth") of Pandora's Necklace on Absolute Chaos (Eagle eyed fans who have paid attention to all my musings may notice that I also listed "Truth" as a chapter in PNecklace that may be among my favorites. I'm sure those same people are curious to know why... Now you'll know. Maybe you'll be as excited as I am about it.)

Chapter Four ("Back to Safaiananpou") of Pandora's Necklace on AO3 (If you wanted to leave feedback on the physical story instead of chatting here. You've been able to read this chapter here at AC since January.)

Enjoy! Continue to feel free to ask me anything and get answers. I'm going to keep on assuming that anyone reading is loving everything and carry on my merry way!

This is a continuation from last week, I suppose, since we're deep in the "Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick" portion of PNecklace. Though last week, we talked a little about Nick's character development; I guess this week is "Nick as a tiny muse."

I've said before that I usually get “spark of lightning” ideas and depth for plans while focusing on AJ, and I have no idea why that is. He's not particularly bossy or picky. He's really calm actually. Like the newest chapter I've been writing, I started from one place, got maybe a sentence and a half in, then stopped. Then wrote a conversation later in the chapter, then skipped ahead to another bit, then skipped ahead again. And then I was sitting and contemplating on Sunday afternoon when AJ said, "Hi, let's chat about [character development thing]." Oh hey, AJ! Fancy meeting you here. I think he was a little jealous of Howie getting some spotlight, to be honest.

I've been curious why the other Boys just aren't as loud, picky, obnoxious, nagging, persistent, and chatty as Nick. To be fair, he's gotten a little quieter after I engaged with his initial hellos. That makes him sound so polite. It was definitely more "*loud and long inhale* HHHHHHIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! IIIIIIII'MMMMMMMM BAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAACCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!! AAAAAAALLLL~RRIIIIIIIIIGGGHHHTTT!!!! *dramatic exhale* Time to write!" Again, he’s very loud, persistent, and chatty. He’s pretty quiet at the moment though. Either because he knows it’s not his time to shine or he’s gotten his way and doesn’t have strong opinions about it anymore. I’m hoping that he’s trying to share the spotlight instead of focusing on gloating.

I was thinking over that article I’d posted, about the automation of character, and I wonder if that’s it. Is PBox Nick so fleshed out in my mind that he’s become this automated entity who’s headspace I can get into? I wonder if he’s deviated and grown that much from the realm of “background information Backstreet characterizati ons” that he just is an entity. Maybe that’s why he’s louder than the others. Something I’ll have to explore once I get to editing the fanfic out of Howie and Brian.

I don’t like to think of him as an automated entity though. “Good job brain” is way less fun than “We did it, buddy!” I like to think of him as the tiniest muse, cheering me on and giving me the inspiration to finish a magnum opus. And I guess, thank goodness he is loud and picky. His way has always been better than whatever I came up with initially, though he is trying to grow out of his Leeroy Jenkins antics. You’ll see what I mean.

I guess there’s a part of me that’s grateful the other Boys are a little quieter. It would be really cacophonous around here if they were as loud as Nick! But then I worry, are they relying too much on “background information Backstreet characterizati ons”? Are they less individual entities and more a collective entity? Maybe that’s why AJ finally spoke up. “If it’s not too much trouble, I’ve got some stuff to do.” It’s never any trouble, AJ! Speak up whenever! You too, Kevin, Howie, and Brian.

I’ve probably made a mistake and opened a Pandora’s Box of my own… It’s about to get really loud over here! (As always, pun intended.)

And now for your updates!

If you would still like to read PBox, I will include both location links below. While all fifty chapters of PBox are complete, it is undergoing the tiniest cursory edit where I change the paragraph alignment of the "~*~" and fix a couple errant commas, but otherwise it's all there. Feedback is always appreciated. :)

Pandora's Box on Absolute Chaos

Pandora's Box on AO3

Please find updates as follows (links included in titles):

Chapter Twelve ("Onward") of Pandora's Necklace on Absolute Chaos (There might be a pattern from PBox in what happens in this chapter, haha.)

Chapter Five ("The Crater") of Pandora's Necklace on AO3 (If you wanted to leave feedback on the physical story instead of chatting here. You've been able to read this chapter here at AC since January.)

Enjoy! Continue to feel free to ask me anything and get answers. I'm going to keep on assuming that anyone reading is loving everything and carry on my merry way!

Hello from Safaiananpou? haha I’m all over the place in this novel. I have about six scenes and most of the next chapter written from various bursts of inspiration (I’m a little over a third of the way finished with the current chapter I’m working on, for reference, and about a fifth of that was a pre-written burst of inspiration). I also have about four scenes written past the end of this novel. And the last chapter of what would be the prequel, plus bits and pieces of the first three chapters of that one. Meanwhile, I’m deep in the chunk of the first few chapters of PBox as OF. The amount of times that I’ve edited this thing, I feel like I’ll eventually be able to orally retell the entire thing verbatim from memory. Go ahead, ask me the first line of the OF version; I’ve got that on lock down. It’s been kind of weird hopping back into the beginning, but there were a few bits in the current written run of PNecklace that “called back” to a part that I’d recently felt was missing in the beginning. So I thought, "Write it and see what happens? Write it and see what happens." But then that means that the next little chunk of the beginning might need some more drastic changes, especially as we spend more time in Nick’s head and get more deeply connected to his evolving motivations and opinions. Like chapter eight seems especially harsh compared to where he’s at in that new chapter. So who knows what that first fifth of the story will end up looking like when it’s all said and done. It feels like it will be fairly different!

I mentioned this briefly in one of the Writing Threads, though I can’t remember which one, that I was thinking of posting Pandora’s Legend. I recognize that it may not be as enjoyable as a fanfic, since our Boys aren’t together during it at all; however, it does have merit as a part of the story, namely, getting to see some past things they all mention in real time and getting the full character arcs of our favorite demons. Especially Nick, since we just kind of get dropped into his “amnesiac with PTSD” persona and miss out on his time in his “scared and anxious child” and “teenage hot head” phases. Though to be fair, you do get to enjoy bits and pieces of both of those as he defrosts in the beginning, since he’s “sour outside, sad inside” before the plot really kicks off (as you know). I digress a bit, the point of this portion was really… is this of interest to anyone? Does anyone want to read about the Boys pre-Pbox? I don’t know yet if I’ll commit to writing the whole thing in one sitting (like with PNecklace or the next one) or if I even envision it as a regularly updated type thing, but if it was something I updated sometimes, would anyone be interested in seeing that? This is probably a better place to ask and reach everyone where they’re checking for my updates. Is it something you would want to see as a regularly updated novel or just whenever it feels interesting? Or not at all? This isn’t to say I wouldn’t end up still posting it if I felt like sharing it, y’all know I mostly write PBox et al. for me and Nick anyway, but I figure it’s worth asking if anyone is itching to see it. It could help me make a decision on “when” instead of “if.”

A related question, as you know, I’m doing some major rehaul type additions to the beginning of PBox that do get referenced in PNecklace. While I have no intentions of posting the entire novel for PBox as OF (for obvious reasons, in addition to the fact that on a fanfic website, you can enjoy the fanfic version instead), I recognize that there’s been value in sharing “related chapters to revisit” as I post PNecklace. And I figure, since I’ve felt the need to write these “call back chapters” that existed in the time skip, you might feel the need to read them! So if there were little added scenes or chapters like this, would anyone be interested in reading them? Kind of like a short little companion book. I can’t guarantee how many times this would happen, but I know at least once for this aforementioned chapter (it’s what would be in the middle of chapter five between the battlefield and the capital). Anyway, so that’s kind of where we are in PBox et. al right now. You’re reading about Nick growing as a character; I’m writing the turning point in the novel’s direction, re-frolicking along in the beginning, and writing interesting things wherever as inspiration strikes.

I do have one more question for my readership. I’m hoping to bounce something off of someone who has read PBox. It’s not a spoiler for anything that’s going to happen, but it would help me finalize some things in the OF version, mostly based on the major thing I had to remove from the beginning due to it no longer being a fanfic. So, if anyone is interested in being that sounding board, please let me know! I would appreciate it immensely! It’s a short question, so it would take very little out of your regular schedule.

Appreciate you all! See you in the updates! Remember, if there’s anything you want to hear me talk about, just ask! I’ll answer just about anything. I’m also slowly running out of ideas of things to share with you all each week. I might talk about clothing next week? That could be fun.

And now for your updates!

If you would still like to read PBox, I will include both location links below. While all fifty chapters of PBox are complete, it is still undergoing the tiniest cursory edit where I change the paragraph alignment of the "~*~" and fix a couple errant commas, but otherwise it's all there. Feedback is always appreciated. :)

Pandora's Box on Absolute Chaos

Pandora's Box on AO3

Please find updates as follows (links included in titles):

Chapter Thirteen ("Light") of Pandora's Necklace on Absolute Chaos

Chapter Six ("Alliance") of Pandora's Necklace on AO3 (You've been able to read this chapter here at AC since January.)

Enjoy! Continue to feel free to ask me anything and get answers. Last week we got some Frick & Frack, just like in Chapter 12 of PBox. It doesn't mirror it all the time, but there's definitely a couple times something gets mirrored. I wonder who the Nick & _____ might be this week...  Hmm!


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