Fic Talk > Updates

They threw a shameless plug party and...

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As usual I am fashionably late! Erm...okay perhaps not quite so fashionable.

Anyhoo, I am finally getting around to updating some of my older/in-progress fics, and am her to plug them as well as my newer stuff. Sorry, but so far only my non-BSB fics are being updated (though I swear I *am* working on chapters for some of those, none are quite ready for posting as of yet...) Still, hopefully some of you might enjoy my other fandoms!

Criminal Minds Fic: Dying of the Light:

Supernatural Fic: Dancing Down in Red Moon (new chapter to this site, anyway. Also coming soon a new chapter of Road to Hell, but I'll plug that when it's up...)

Scrubs Fic (added a few days ago, but what the heck...): His Holiday Story

and the fic I'm co-writing with Spencer: My Perfect Day

Yay for Chaos writing again!  Must go read Dancing In Red Moon and Road To Hell. I always wanted to read those, but I hate falling in love with stories that I'm afraid will never be finished. *cough* Yesterday's Blue Skies Marina *cough* And I always fall in love with everything I read of yours.

 But if you're going to start updating again... Must go read...

Can't say I blame you (not wanting to start reading something that may not be finished...). My resolution for this new year is to write at least a little bit every day. While I won't be posting something every day, and it may not get all my stuff completed, it should at least get me a long way toward that--I hate leaving people hanging almost as much as people hate being left hanging. (And that line there, folks, is why I'm a writer! :P Erm... or not.) But hey, thanks for having faith in me ;)

That is a great resolution! And no one expects you to update every day, just so long as we know you're still thinking about it. (haha not to point fingers, but Julilly doesn't update so often, but I know eventually she will so I sit here... and wait... patiently... or you know... not so patiently... but I wait.) I'll have to read your stories and leave lots of gushy reviews and be your cheerleader so you can keep up the momentum. 

I hate leaving people hanging too, and I'm just getting slower and slower with the updates lately. (haha I suck, and have no room to tell people to update.) Maybe my resolution should be to finish everything I've started before starting anything new....

Oh, I finally responded to your reviews. Sorry, I got them while I was in Arizona and didn't have time to respond, but I was super excited that you read my story! Thanks!!

You know what else of yours I still have to go read? The sequel to Ground Zero. (Cause you didn't leave us hanging at the end there or anything.  :P)


--- Quote from: honey on December 29, 2008, 01:30:10 PM ---Maybe my resolution should be to finish everything I've started before starting anything new....

--- End quote ---

Heh. I wouldn't make that resolution if I were you--I tried that last year and ended up not writing anything because I just couldn't seem to work on any of my in progress things. It wasn't until I decided "screw it" and started writing new things again that I was even able to start plugging away at the older things again. I think you just gotta write whatever it is that your muse lets you write, even if it's not the story you *really* want to finish.

On the other hand, I did decide not to start posting any new long/chapter stories until either they're finished (or at least darn close to being finished), or like "My Perfect Day" I'm co-writing with someone so that we spur each other to get that next chapter written, OR until I've finished at least a couple of my other chapter fics. So, while I may be writing them, I won't be leaving people hanging waiting for updates.

And no worries about the not responding to the reviews! I know how that goes. Woot for gushy reviews and cheerleading, though! That really does help the motivation. I still haven't gotten a chance to start reading your other SN stuff, but I'm working New Years (ugh) so I probably will get some time then, and hopefully can return the favor!


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