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They threw a shameless plug party and...

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--- Quote from: honey on January 05, 2009, 06:35:27 PM ---Hey, Chaos, Dancing Down With Red Moon isn't a sequel, right? I'm going through your stories right now and trying to decide which I should read first... Of all your SN fic, which would you recommend I start with?

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Nope it's not a sequel. I actually would probably agree with Mare on choosing Dancing first, though. Road to Hell...I am still kind of cowed that I'm writing a fic with the basic premise of that's kind of a plot that I once swore I'd never ever write a fic, though I *hope* that I'm putting a good enough twist on it to make it work. lol.

Actually the SN fic of mine that I like best is probably the short one-shot "In Memory Of" though. Of course that may just be because it's finished (unless I get around to writing a "sequel" or continuation.. .but it stands on its own, really...)

ooh, his December challenge one or the other one? The Christmas one was super good, but I haven't read the one he's co-writing yet.

Yeah, I've read In Memory Of. And you're right, I love that one! I may have to go read it again though, because it was a long time ago.


--- Quote from: Rose on January 04, 2009, 08:34:32 PM ---Nobody Else Can Walk it For You was updated? OMG lol. Yay!

I totally need to reread the chapters before it, but yay.

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LOL. Yeah I'm as shocked as you are, if not more. I really wrote myself into a bit of a corner with that fic. And to make things worse, around the time that I had my "incident" the thumb drive I was using to keep all my ideas, outlines, and scenes crashed and the files were too corrupted to save, memory not being at all what it used to be, I'm pretty much starting over. Eeps. But, I think I've finally got a new plan that works for it. Woot. (Thanks for sticking w/ it after all this time...)


--- Quote from: Kentuckychickrk on January 05, 2009, 08:48:09 PM ---I started reading the Scrubs fic when you first posted it but decided to stop and wait until the holidays were over.  Now that they are I'm looking forward to getting into that one (and seeing the Season premier tommorrow!)

I LOVE that show :O)
Huge Zach fan  ;D

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So you're the one! (JK. There are like 4 or 5 people reading it on this site, but over on FF.Net there are a few more scrubs readers than over here...)

I can't wait for the premier either! I hadn't ever really watched the show until a couple months ago and then I got totally hooked (I admit the musical sucked me in. lol).


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