Fic Talk > Writer's Circle
Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
1. What was your biggest writing- or fanfic-related accomplishment of 2008?
Just writing at all. There were many times that I thought my well had dried up, and that I would have no more ideas but they still came. They came few and far between but they came.
2. What do you feel was the best piece of writing you did this year? It can be a whole story or just a certain chapter or scene. Give us a link or, if it's a really short excerpt (like a paragraph), post it here.
I honestly don't believe that anything I wrote this year was really that noteworthy. Like I said, it's been a tough year. I feel like a lot of what I wrote lacked substance.
3. Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why? (This doesn't have to be one written in 2008).
As You Are is probably my favourite, followed by Hawk and a Handsaw.
4. Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.
I think the things I've written have recieved more praise than I expected they would. They all have the praise they deserve... so I'll just link to all of them
5. Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed. Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.
I honestly haven't read much new stuff this year. I've been kind of reliving the past through my fanfic. There is though, a returning author that has caught my attention because of her original ideas.
Everyone knows I love AU - it's my thing, really. What I love most is when someone really tries to come up with an original way of presenting the past, and FiliKlepto does that with On The Rails. I love the concept and I think there's great potential there.
6. What was the best story you discovered in 2008? Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.
I guess I've already done that, so see above!
7. Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.
Although it was late in the year -- Chaos. He jumped back on the bandwagon with a vigor that I only wish I could emulate.
8. Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 2009? If so, what are they?
Hawk and a Handsaw is going to be finished in early 2009.
--- Quote from: honey on January 01, 2009, 10:54:22 PM ---
And Mare, you just made me feel all warm and fuzzy, but honestly I sort of have to blame you for my diversity, because it started with all of your monthly challenges (this months looks super hard, btw. thanks. :P) And then I only ever started a few of the stories because of you and all your romance hating talk. It always made me think I needed to broaden my horizons, and then it was like I just had to see if I could do it. For some reason, even though I haven't read much of your stuff, you always manage to push me in my own writing. Can't really explain why, but you do... So thank you for that.
--- End quote ---
Aww, well i'm glad I could motivate you, even though you're not exatly sure how or why lol I wish I could motivate myself.
^ have I mentioned how much I love your avi yet? Adorable!
Thanks! :)
I'll fill this out after I think it over some more - lol.
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