Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured story for February 2007 - Ground Zero by Chaos :O)

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--- Quote from: Nijntje on February 04, 2007, 04:09:48 PM ---So, I wondered.. why did you decide to have him be so emotional? I mean, I can see why he is and all that.. but.. damn, how do I say this.. You also could have him be more angry, agressive and shutting everyone out, because he feels the social stigma is there, and maybe even more because he is a 'star'. So, why did you decide to have him act like he acts in the story and not another way? This is in NO way meant as criticism, because as I said earlier, I think for Nick (and anyone else) this is a much better way to deal with post-traumatic stress. I was just wondering.
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Heh. The reason he's so emotional rather than angry/aggressive at this point is mainly because he's still in crisis mode--he hasn't really had time to start sorting things out and start really processing everything because his attacker is still out there after him. I also figure that at this point a large part of him is still in avoidance/denial mode. The anger and agression may still come out in him in future scenes as the sequel progresses. As to why he hasn't withdrawn...I'll just say that from personal experience when you have 4 "brothers" rallying around you (in my case it was 5 sisters, but I digress) they don't really give you that option very much. Although, again, that tendancy may come out in future scenes in the sequel--once crisis mode is over.

--- Quote from: Nijntje on February 04, 2007, 04:09:48 PM ---Owh, and why did you have this happen to Nick and not to one of the others?
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I had several reasons for picking Nick. The first was that when I was researching the guys and watching interviews with them all, etc...he was the easiest to find background information on, he had a lot of mannerisms that were easy to draw from, he had a personality that was similar to my own (goofy, attention deficit at times [insert angelic smile here], tends to come across as not-so-bright yet the wheels are usually turning...most ly friendly but can be moody...that sort of stuff). I thought about using Brian because in a lot of ways we're alike (we share the same birthday even lol) and because it would have been interesting to add kind of a crisis of religion (though ultimately I decided against it because I didn't want to go there). I also felt that being the "youngest brother" that Nick'd have the biggest impact on the group--plus there was a really good love/irritate-the-hell-out-of relationship that seemed to be going on between Nick and Kevin. And the final reason I chose Nick is actually really creepy, but I'll just say...when searching for info on the guys I unwittingly went to a really horrible site that uh...featured him (all of them to an extent, but mostly him) in a very unsettling way that made me really consider him as the prime candidate for being the victim.

Thanks again for reading and for the questions!

sigh chaos you know already how much i adore this fic. i simply love the way you write Nick's pov, it was (still is) very refreshing to read your style of writing because there were hardly any that write the way you did back then. Nick's pov was strictly his, in a sense you really made sure you didnt give us much info on what's going on out there unless Nick was willing to acknowledge them. Like when we were suddenly thrown in a loop and found out he wasn't feeling well when someone asked him if he was okay, because his pov didnt mention anything about not feeling well.

Also, you managed to throw in humor in his thought process even when he was in danger. and i love it when he started talking to his body parts, i'll never forget that, lol. the suspense was well woven into every chapter, each one always make me want to read more and more.

congrats on being author of the month! I'll go read a few chapters now in your honor :)

I have to hop back in here and comment that I love the chapter where Nick is going over in his mind of all the things that can happen in six days. I think that was one of my favorite chapters and just rereading it now, I remember why.

The way you had Nick and your readers, slowly finding out what happened. The bruises on the neck and the wrists. The agent muttering wire under his breath. It was all perfect, made me feel uncomfortable all over again and embarassed for Nick as we are made aware that Brian is in the room listening to everything.

Then when you bring in the Carters which was the perfect way to bring them in by the way. They are there because the story called for them to be there but you didn't harp on them and when they weren't needed anymore, they were gone. But loved that part as well, where they talk about what they had been through.

The way you ended it was great as well with the drug and having him wonder if he was assaulted. I can't even imagine how horrible that would be.

Super job Chaos!


So, now that's there's less than a week for february's story of the month, I finally started reading it. And it's wonderful!!!!! Well the three chapters that are posted on AC are wonderful... Does anyone know where I can find the rest? I know it exists 'cause y'all have read it. I'm dying to find out what happens next!


--- Quote from: honey on February 20, 2007, 04:17:45 PM ---So, now that's there's less than a week for february's story of the month, I finally started reading it. And it's wonderful!!!!! Well the three chapters that are posted on AC are wonderful... Does anyone know where I can find the rest? I know it exists 'cause y'all have read it. I'm dying to find out what happens next!

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LMAO aww Chaos never updated this story on the new site...Chaos! Jeez louise!  :P

SO here's the link to the old site where the story is completed.

Sorry, I didn't realize that. I hope that everyone else realizes there is more! lol


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