Fic Talk > Research Assistance
High School sports???
Hey does anyone know much about the timing of high school sports? Specifically, I'm wondering about basketball. It's a winter sport, right? Does anyone know When the season starts? Or when teams would begin practicing? And when does it end? Or when would like regionals and whatnot start if your team were to make it that far?
Basketball is a Winter sport. Games start in December, so I imagine practice starts October/November. Finals are in February/March.
The best place to go to be sure for the area you're in (or writing about) would be to check a high school's website... most of them have a link to the basketball schedules. I checked around here and found the same basic schedule Dee said - they started practice at the beginning of November, first game was a tournament over Thanksgiving weekend, started having regular games in December, their last regular game is at the end of February, and the finals are in March.
This website is pretty cool for looking up different schools' sports:
merci, ladies!
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