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Author Topic: Five questions at a time....  (Read 27052 times)


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2007, 04:14:58 PM »

LOL it's okay I recovered quickly and i'm working on it.

And also thank you Lenni, Rose and Chaos. *squishy hugs you all*  ;D

I'm glad and yay! :)

Awwww.... I want a squishy hug also... *runs off to become a Mare fanatic*

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2007, 04:18:05 PM »

I'm glad and yay! :)

Awwww.... I want a squishy hug also... *runs off to become a Mare fanatic*

You want a schmoika AND a squishy hug? lmao wow you're a demanding little thing, aren't you? ;)

*gives you a squishy hug* lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2007, 04:19:28 PM »

WOW, that was a project. and seriously, I don't know if I can come up with another five questions... how about we cut it down to one now? -lol cause that's all I can think of...

Good idea Honey. How about we make it one now.

31) Do you share your fan fiction with the people you know uotside of the internet? Or is it a secret part of you that only us special people get to see?

I hide Mare from people off the internet. I'm a fanfic batman! lmao
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2007, 04:26:03 PM »

You want a schmoika AND a squishy hug? lmao wow you're a demanding little thing, aren't you? ;)

*gives you a squishy hug* lol

It's what I do best. :D Though I don't know if that's a good thing... ::)

And yay! *squishy hug*

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2007, 04:27:47 PM »

17) Name a relatively unknown writer who you feel needs to be recognized, one of her/his fics and why.
I’d say Dee. (Nicksgal) She’s probably pretty well known around here cause she posts so much. But her stuff is fantasy and AU and demons and vampires and stuff so I’d be willing to bet that not many have read her stuff. But so far it’s WONDERFUL! If she can pull me into that world, she could probably pull everyone into it!

I'm sorry I'm so infamous. :-[

And I personally don't do vampires, though there's nothing wrong with them. *ducks and hides*

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2007, 04:29:20 PM »

Oooh squishy hugs! *gives a squishy hug to Mare*

LOL Honey, yes Boys as secret agents is love. 00Carter people, once its running it'll be huge lol
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

"Don't annoy the writer. They may put you in a book and kill you." —Anonymous

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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2007, 04:35:46 PM »

I'm sorry I'm so infamous. :-[

And I personally don't do vampires, though there's nothing wrong with them. *ducks and hides*

yes infamous may be a good word for you. I knew who you were long before I started reading your stories. *** And SOOOOO sorry about the vampire comment. I know that's more purapura's department :)
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2007, 04:40:37 PM »

I'm widely known for my acts of posting too much, which annoys people. *sigh* :-[

Yup, it's more of a PuraPura thing. *nod* Do you call all us lipsticks by our dorky nicknames? *beams* MauMau and GiGi too? I'm Biby, by the way.....

*hits head and focuses on Japanese homework again*

Can I hire a cattle proder to make me focus? Plese?

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2007, 05:48:30 PM »

Wow, lots of questions!!

1) Do you go by a pen name when you write? If so why did you choose it?
Yes.  When I first got up the nerve to see about getting my first story hosted, I was terrified of my friends finding it, so I made up a pen name.  It comes in handy when I meet weirdos online, cause I don't have to worry about them knowing my real name and finding out where I live and such; that would creep me out.

2) Name a story you wish you had written and why (meaning a fanfic that already exists)
"Finding Brotherhood" by Mersey (http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/mersey/fb.html) because it's such a cool, creative, clever story.  I'm not usually creative enough to think of the kind of stuff she had in that story, so I admire her for having that kind of talent.

3) What is the most creative idea you have ever had for a story?
LOL I have no idea... I don't think I'm very creative. =P  Most of my ideas are inspired by other things, and then I put my own twist on them.  My most creative stuff probably came out in "Phantasm," a collaboration I participated in with Mare and a bunch of other authors.  It also comes out in my comedies.

4) What is the most cliched story you have written?
I have quite a few cliched stories from my first year of writing especially, but the one that takes the cake is "Through Thick and Thin."  It's a girl band fic. =P  I called it "my bopper story" when I was writing it cause I knew how cliched it was even then.  But it was really fun to write, in that lovely cliched, soap opera way, so I don't even consider it my worst story LOL.

5) What is the most overused plot line out there in fanfic today?
Today?  I'm not sure.  I don't see as many bus crash and girl band stories as I used to, so maybe it's the "Boy meets girl who has been raped/abused/assaulted/hurt/whatever and teaches her how to love and trust again" kind of story.  I get tired of the female leads with the tragic pasts, dead parents and abusive boyfriends and all.

6 ) What started you on writing fan fiction?
I came across a story one day that sounded really good, so I read it, and it was pretty good, but it was only a short story, and I found myself wishing it had been a longer story.  It didn't quite meet my expectations.  I wished I could read a story like the one I had been imagining when I read the summary of that one, and when I couldn't find out, I decided to write my own.  That's how I started writing.  I've gotten several story ideas that way - if no one else is writing the kind of stuff I want to read, I write it myself LOL.

7 ) Is fan fiction more of a hobby or is it a stepping stone to something you want to persue realistically?
It's always been a hobby to me, although lately I've gotten it in my head that I would like to someday try to get a novel published.  But I have no desire to write as a career; I prefer doing it for fun, with no pressure, deadlines, etc.

8 ) If your fan fiction career ended tomorrow, what would you regret?
I might regret the fact that I've spent the last four years of my fanfic "career" working almost solely on the same series and haven't yet had a chance to pursue the other ideas that have been slowly brewing in my head.  But at the same time, I'm more proud of that series than anything else I've ever written, and it's taken me four years to write it because I had a LONG story to tell, and I'm nearing the end of it now, so I really shouldn't have any regrets.

9 ) Is there anything that turns you off about fan fiction readers as a whole?
The only thing that turns me off is the ones who read regularly and never say a word - no reviews, no feedback, not even a "Great story; I'm really enjoying it; keep it up!"

10 ) What are your thoughts on including Kevin in a piece of fan fiction these days, assuming the piece is not an AU?
I don't see why that would be a big deal at all.  It's not like Kevin is dead; he's still around, so why couldn't you write about him?  It's not like the Boys have severed all ties with him just because he left Bsb, so why should we cut him out of our stories?

11) What's one genre you'd never write about & why?
Slash, because I can't take it seriously.  So if I wrote about it, it would be in a parody, and I'd be making fun of it.

12) Did you ever write a story not because you wanted too, but because you felt you HAD too [like, you were forced to write it]?

13) What's one story you've written that most people would be shocked to find?
I think anyone who stumbled onto Broken and BMS, having never read any of my older stories, would be shocked to read the horrors that are my older stories, especially stuff like Through Thick and Thin LOL.  My writing's gotten a lot better since then.

14) Do you have a story you've written & posted online, but will never post on absolutechaos because you're afraid of what people night think?
I have a ton of stories that aren't posted on AC, just cause I don't think they're any good.  I'd rather plug the stories I'm reasonably proud of.

15) Do you have a favourite absolutechaos author? If so, who is it & why?
Offhand, probably Jenna.  I've been reading her stories for like 7 years, and she writes the kind of stuff I like to read.  The Swollen Issues series is a perfect example.

16) What story pulled you out of your writing comfort zone and why?
Phantasm, which I mentioned earlier, because it was a supernatural/psychological kind of story, and it was more fantasy than I'm used to writing, so I really had to stretch my creativity to contribute to that one.
Also Broken and BMS because I ended up writing scenes in those that were just uncomfortable for me, but because of that, they've both been great challenges for me.

17) Name a relatively unknown writer who you feel needs to be recognized, one of her/his fics and why.
Jen, author of "Remember Me This Way" (http://www.geocities.com/imaginefanfic/), who really shouldn't be unknown because she's been writing for at least 8 years, but I don't see her get a lot of recognition.  She's awesome though.  She writes great angsty medical tearjerker types stories (which I love), and her writing has gotten so good over the years.  She just needs to update more often. =P

18.) Has a music video inspired one of your stories? How?
Actually, yes.  I have a short story inspired by the video for Fuel's "Hemorrhage."  I'm sure that's not the only example, but it was the first thing to come to mind.

19.) What skill do you feel you need to work on as a writer?
Skill-wise, characterizati on.  Story-wise, I would love to write a good suspense or some kind of fantasy/supernatural thing that would be really creative and original, something out of the box.

20.) What do you feel is your best skill as a writer?
Dialogue; I think I'm pretty good at dialogue.  I'm also good at researching and writing medical stuff accurately.

21) If someone started professionally publishing Backstreet novels (multi-genre; anything from suspense to action to romance), would you be likely buy them?
If I liked the original fanfics, of course!!  That would be cool.

22) On which TV show would you most want to see the BSB guest star--either as themselves or as characters on the show? (Can have them all on the same show, or if prefer they’re each guest staring on different shows--which one stars on which show?)
ER or Survivor

23) If you tired of writing BSB, do you think you would continue to write fanfiction for another fandom, or would it likely be the end of your fanfic “career”?
It would probably be the end.  I've never gotten into writing for any other fandom.  My biggest obsession after Bsb would probably be Harry Potter, but I've never been able to read HP fanfic, and I can't see myself really getting into writing it either.  When I get tired of writing about Bsb, I'll probably just write original fiction.

24) What Alternate Universe would you most want to see a story about? (examples: BSB as doctors, as firefighters, as police officers, as squirrels (hmm actually I challenge anyone to write that one!)
Bsb as a club of 13-year-old babysitters.  I was a big fan of the Babysitter's Club when I was little. ;)  (No, honestly, I prefer to read about the guys as themselves, so I have no idea LOL.)

25) Going back to question# 11. What would it take for you to reconsider writing a fic of that dreaded genre? (i.e. Would you if challenged? Would you for money? For a best friend’s birthday? Under absolutely no circumstances?)
As I said there, the only way I'd do it is if it was a comedy/parody.  Then I could totally see myself doing it LOL.

26) What influences you to continue writing? Is it reader support, number of reviews, your own determination, or something else? Why does it influence you?
Mostly my own inspiration, but reader support definitely helps.  When it comes down to it, though, I write because I want to write.  If I don't feel like writing something, no amount of begging is gonna get me to write it.

27) Was there ever a time you felt that you could no longer write fan fiction and took a "hiatus"? What did you do during that time?
Nope... seven years, and it hasn't happened yet LOL.

28) If for some reason, due to circumstances beyond your control, you were forced to give up your fan fiction career, who would you want to finish your incompleted works?
My friend Bianca is probably the only one I would completely trust to finish them.  She's incredibly talented, and she knows how my mind works, and she's always on the same page as me with stuff in my stories, so I know she would be able to do them justice.

29) If you could no longer write fan fiction, what is the one thing you would like to be remembered for?
I guess I would like to be remembered as a good writer who was also a nice person and appreciated her readers.

30) What is your main goal in your writing? Do other people influence this goal, or is it more of a singular thing?
My main goal is entertainment. .. of myself and other people, I guess.  I write because it's a fun hobby for me, and I love the fact that other people enjoy reading my stories too.  That's part of what makes it fun.  So my main goal is just to enjoy myself and provide enjoyment for others.

31) Do you share your fan fiction with the people you know uotside of the internet? Or is it a secret part of you that only us special people get to see?
It's absolutely a secret part of me LOL.  My family knows I write, but they're not allowed to read my stuff.  My mom has swown she will never read it, and my dad and sister don't really care to LOL.  My friends have no idea I even write.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2007, 05:54:46 PM »

32)  Kind of relating to #29, if you were asked to select one of your fanfics to be put in a time capsule and preserved, which one would you choose and why?

33)  Name a story you read the summary of or heard a synopsis of and scoffed, thinking it sounded like a terrible idea, and then read, only to be pleasantly surprised by how good it was.

34)  If one of the Backstreet Boys emailed you and said that he had stumbled onto your site/fanfics, what would your reaction be?  (Let's say you know for sure that it's the real him, not a poser.)

35)  As a follow-up to #34, if you had the chance (or were forced) to give one of your stories to the Boys to read, which one would it be and why?

36)  Name a story that you think would make an excellent book (as in a published novel) or movie, and tell us why you think so.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2007, 09:51:56 PM »

Wow, all the questions took me an hour to answer! But they were fabulous!

1) Do you go by a pen name when you write? If so why did you choose it?
Absolutely, even though a lot of people know my real name’s Sarah, anyway. Way back when Xanga first came out, starbeamz2 was my username for that and it just kinda stuck even when xanga (thankfully) did not.

2) Name a story you wish you had written and why (meaning a fanfic that already exists)
I think Julie used this one, too, but Finding Brotherhood by Mersey was one of the first stories I stumbled across, and I couldn’t leave the computer until I’d finished it. It was so emotionally compelling and beautifully written—I was sobbing by the end of it (which is very, very rare for me to do). So, while I think Mersey has incredible talent, I wish I had the creativity that she does, too!

3) What is the most creative idea you have ever had for a story?
Haha. Creative, I don’t think I am. I guess I just started writing one about Brian being a murderer or something. But I don’t think that’s very creative LOL. My creativity has kinda been on vacation since I was born.

4) What is the most cliched story you have written?
I guess “Second Chances” and “All At Once” because they’re the same old same old Boy meets girl, Boy falls in love, crazy drama ensues and keeps them separate until they realize that they’re really in love and then…TA-DA, they get married and have tons of babies. The End.

5) What is the most overused plot line out there in fanfic today?
The answer to number 4. And, sorry for piggy-backing off of Julie’s ideas, but the whole abusive past for the female lead.  Oh, and how the Boy will beat up the bad guy and make the world round again for her and yadda-yadda. I know I’m guilty of having a female with an abusive past in “Then Again” but I couldn’t help it! I didn’t know any better LOL.

6 ) What started you on writing fan fiction?
A long, long time ago, my best friend and I orally “wrote” the world’s longest fan fiction full of all the teenybopper favorite plot lines and all. We spent a year and a half’s worth of time on the school bus, trips to New York and amusement parks, on the phone, etc. and came up with it. I think I eventually wrote out a couple parts but those were the crazy elaborate ones with their kids' lives, so yeah. I think they’ve disappeared into the abyss. Then, I forgot all about it and had never actually realized that fanfiction did exist until summer 2005. I read and read until January ’06, when I decided I wanted to try my hand at it and here I am.

7 ) Is fan fiction more of a hobby or is it a stepping stone to something you want to persue realistically?
Definitely hobby, though I wouldn’t mind if, one day, I was as lucky as Mare and had something published. Then again, I’d have to work on my confidence enough to try to have it published in the first place.

8 ) If your fan fiction career ended tomorrow, what would you regret?
All the ideas in my head that would have nowhere to go. They’d slowly fester and die painfully. It would not be pretty. I’d regret not being able to write as a stress reliever.

9 ) Is there anything that turns you off about fan fiction readers as a whole?
Silence. Absolute silence. 

10 ) What are your thoughts on including Kevin in a piece of fan fiction these days, assuming the piece is not an AU?
Um, I actually started a story solely based on him and Kristin set after he left the group, so  I see no problem in doing it. In our hearts, I’m pretty sure we all think he’s a part of the group anyway. It would be weird excluding him at this point.

11) What's one genre you'd never write about & why?
Visuals/slash. It just squicks me out, so no. I couldn’t do it. Too much graphic-ness is not attractive to me. 

12) Did you ever write a story not because you wanted too, but because you felt you HAD too [like, you were forced to write it]?
Like the demons of writing were standing behind me poking me with a giant pitchfork and saying, “WRITE! WRITE!”. Yes. Yes, I have.

13) What's one story you've written that most people would be shocked to find?
I’m fairly new. Having only begun writing a year ago, I think there’s not much people could find that would shock them about my stories.

14) Do you have a story you've written & posted online, but will never post on absolutechaos because you're afraid of what people night think?
Yes, but they aren’t fanfic, and they're nowhere online. I don’t really think anyone would want to read non-BSB or fandom stories.

15) Do you have a favourite absolutechaos author? If so, who is it & why?
I think it’s a tie between Mare, Julilly, Chaos, and Julie. I love Mare because she makes me giggle with her humor. Julilly’s AU’s are wonderful to read and a nice break from the ones set in this reality. Chaos has such talent, and his stories are so intriguing that I can’t break away until I’m done. Julie is just super dedicated and her work is incredible. Plus, she's awesome with feedback and it got me all excited to write "Then Again" when she would give me such enthusiastic feedback. All four of these authors keep me wanting more!

16) What story pulled you out of your writing comfort zone and why?
“Then Again” because it was the second story I’d written and I didn’t really know my suspense and police procedure too well. Hence, the awkwardness of it all.  But it turned out longer than I wanted initially and I’d feel compelled to write until I was as emotionally exhausted as I tried to make the characters be.

17) Name a relatively unknown writer who you feel needs to be recognized, one of her/his fics and why.
Erin. She’s written three stories that are up on AC (Relentless, In Your Hands, and Perfect Fallacy). She’s got a terrific writing style and has used Brian in all three of her tales, which are AU’s. She’s got another one on her site that’s just begun and I don’t think she updates it anymore which makes me sad because it looked like it was gonna be fabulous. But, yes, Erin would be my choice.

18.) Has a music video inspired one of your stories? How?
Um. No.  I guess it’s probably because I haven’t really paid attention to music videos since I was 14.

19.) What skill do you feel you need to work on as a writer?
Emotion, plot, and the depth of my characters. Also, I’d like to be a better suspense author because I love reading suspense. I’m gonna try to get it right this time on my new fic, Hensley, but we’ll see what happens.

20.) What do you feel is your best skill as a writer?
Uhhh…I honestly don’t know. Ideas? I’m good at ideas. I have tons of them. It’s the following through that’s a problem.

21) If someone started professionally publishing Backstreet novels (multi-genre; anything from suspense to action to romance), would you be likely buy them?
First of all, that’d be pretty awesome if it ever happened. And, second, probably. As long as I liked the stories, then definitely.

22) On which TV show would you most want to see the BSB guest star--either as themselves or as characters on the show? (Can have them all on the same show, or if prefer they’re each guest staring on different shows--which one stars on which show?)
I think Kevin would be fabulous as another steamy, dreamy doctor on Grey’s Anatomy. I wonder what his nickname could be…
But,  I think any of those hospital/police dramas would work for the guys.

23) If you tired of writing BSB, do you think you would continue to write fanfiction for another fandom, or would it likely be the end of your fanfic “career”?
I really can’t write about anyone else, except maybe JC from *N Sync (I know, crazy, right?!) But, other than that, I’ve already started writing other original fiction that I’m not sure I want to put up on AC because it probably wouldn’t be read, but yeah…original fiction would be next.

24) What Alternate Universe would you most want to see a story about? (examples: BSB as doctors, as firefighters, as police officers, as squirrels (hmm actually I challenge anyone to write that one!)
Squeak, squeakity, squeak squeakin’. Does anyone remember the end of The Emperor’s New Groove with the evil witch as a squirrel? Somehow, the squirrel thing reminded me of that LOL.
Um,  I guess it would be interesting if they were all the desperate housewives in reverse. If their wives went off to work and left them with the kids. That would be interesting…Brian in an apron has…erm…appeal in a…I can’t write that thought. *walks away whistling*

25) Going back to question# 11. What would it take for you to reconsider writing a fic of that dreaded genre? (i.e. Would you if challenged? Would you for money? For a best friend’s birthday? Under absolutely no circumstances?)
I’d squirm as I wrote it but I guess I’d write if asked to do so.

26) What influences you to continue writing? Is it reader support, number of reviews, your own determination, or something else? Why does it influence you?
My writing demons make me do it! And, if people really want to read something, I write faster. I think it’s both self-gratification in a PG way and making other people happy, too.

27) Was there ever a time you felt that you could no longer write fan fiction and took a "hiatus"? What did you do during that time?
Well, 5 years ago I sorta started, but I don’t think little bits here and there really counts. I’ve officially been writing for 1 year and 1 month. So, nope. No hiatus yet.

28) If for some reason, due to circumstances beyond your control, you were forced to give up your fan fiction career, who would you want to finish your incompleted works?
I think my brain is just too whacky for anyone to really be on the same page as me, but I think I’d want Julie or Louise (“The Garden”). Julie because she’s the first fanfic author I really talked to a lot (how come we don’t do it anymore, Julie?), and could tell a lot of things about my stories to. Louise is a phenomenal writer and I doubt she’d want to finish my works because they’re so inferior to hers, but it’s worth a shot, right?

29) If you could no longer write fan fiction, what is the one thing you would like to be remembered for?
I don’t really know.  If people think I’m a good writer, then that’s what I’d like to be remembered for.

30) What is your main goal in your writing? Do other people influence this goal, or is it more of a singular thing?
To get the ideas out of my head and onto the computer where they’ll be fun for others, and myself, to eventually read. Other people and their interest does influence that but really, it just makes me write faster. So thanks!

31) Do you share your fan fiction with the people you know outside of the internet? Or is it a secret part of you that only us special people get to see?
Only two of my friends know. No one else. Starbeamz2 exists online and that’s it. Shhh…Not that I’m embarrassed, but my writing’s for me.  Plus, I’d be absolutely crushed if people I grew up with hated my stuff and laughed at me (not that they would, but still…) So, to be on the safe side, no one but those two really know.

32) Kind of relating to #29, if you were asked to select one of your fanfics to be put in a time capsule and preserved, which one would you choose and why?
“Proving Them Wrong” once I finish it. Or maybe “Then Again”. I’m proud of both and they’re the longest of all of my stories. I really put a lot of time and effort into them, so either of those two would be my pick.

33) Name a story you read the summary of or heard a synopsis of and scoffed, thinking it sounded like a terrible idea, and then read, only to be pleasantly surprised by how good it was.
Initially, “Cover Me With Dreams” sounded just like every other Nick romance, but, afterwards, I was very, very glad I read it. Fabulous story!

34) If one of the Backstreet Boys emailed you and said that he had stumbled onto your site/fanfics, what would your reaction be? (Let's say you know for sure that it's the real him, not a poser.) Oh, Julie, I thought of why you’d ask this LOL. I guess I’d be shocked that a BSB-er had a) started reading fanfiction, b) took the time to email me, and, c) I’d write back and say thank you and find out what he liked about it or didn’t like or whatever. Hopefully, we’d have a nice long email exchange process. And, of course, I’d love to meet him/them, so if that could be inadvertently arranged, that’d be a sweet deal.

35) As a follow-up to #34, if you had the chance (or were forced) to give one of your stories to the Boys to read, which one would it be and why? Ohhhh…no. None. Absolutely not. Well…maybe. “The Coffee Shop” or “The One” because there’s absolutely no romance in them which would surely be uncomfortable for the Boys to read. I mean, really, can you imagine reading a story about yourself where you were boffing some random person and dealing with all sorts of crazy drama? I know it sounds hypocritical coming from someone who writes those sorts of stories, but I’d rather the Boys never read those stories.

36) Name a story that you think would make an excellent book (as in a published novel) or movie, and tell us why you think so.
Ooh. Hard one. If it were ever edited and finished, I think East Water Convergence would make a fantastic series of books because the concept of the story is really intriguing and I’m sad that Kid Sinclair stopped writing it because I wanted to know how it ended. Symbolism is a great favorite of mine, and that tale was chock full of them. It was suspenseful, dramatic, fantastic, supernatural, and eerie. I loved it!


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2007, 09:52:07 PM »

32)  Kind of relating to #29, if you were asked to select one of your fanfics to be put in a time capsule and preserved, which one would you choose and why?

Hrmmm...for a fanfic I would have to say Either The Importance of Fly Fishing or It Stays With You. Fly Fishing because it's just a story i'm proud of. I like the way it turned out and the way the characters developed in it. It Stays because I think i'm known first and foremost as a suspense writer and I think that's probably the best suspense I have written.

33)  Name a story you read the summary of or heard a synopsis of and scoffed, thinking it sounded like a terrible idea, and then read, only to be pleasantly surprised by how good it was.

To be completely honest I don't think that's happened, the opposite has though. I've gotten really excited about a synopsis and hype of a few stories and then when I went to read it I was really disappointed after a few chapters in.

34)  If one of the Backstreet Boys emailed you and said that he had stumbled onto your site/fanfics, what would your reaction be?  (Let's say you know for sure that it's the real him, not a poser.) LMAO!!!!!! ;) I would probably squee like a little girl and then think there's something seriously wrong with them for liking my stuff! lol

35)  As a follow-up to #34, if you had the chance (or were forced) to give one of your stories to the Boys to read, which one would it be and why?

Probably Fly Fishing because it's nice and innocent and none of them get tortured lol Although I doubt AJ, Brian or Howie would be inerested.  

36)  Name a story that you think would make an excellent book (as in a published novel) or movie, and tell us why you think so.

Seven Days by Refuse because it's so visually stunning. I always felt like it read like a mive more so than a story. I could even hear a film score!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2007, 09:53:10 PM »

37) Is there any story that you think could make a great screenplay for a movie (if it were made into non-BSB or if it’s an AU)? If so, which one?

38) What is one thing (plotline, scenario, whatever) that shows up in stories that bothers you (for example, Nick falls in love *author's name* or teeny plots, etc)?

39) When you read a synopsis for a story, what would make you not want to read the story (i.e. what about the story idea would turn you away from it)? Why?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 11:56:58 PM by starbeamz2 »


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2007, 10:15:39 PM »

You guys are coming up with awesome questions :) *pats everyone on the head*

37) Is there any story that you think could make a great screenplay for a movie (if it were made into non-BSB or if it’s an AU)? If so, which one?

I'll say it again lol Seven Days by Refuse 2 Lose. It would work as a BSB fic and a non BSB fic.

38) Going off of #9, what is one thing that annoys you most about fanfic authors? Why? (I figure, we’re all authors, so why not? I critique myself all the time!)

I'm not really sure if there's anything that bothers me about fanfic authors. I think it's an awesome thing we do and I can't down someone for doing it. I may not always agree with the way some people act, but it's all part of life I guess, right? lol

39) When you read a synopsis for a story, what would make you not want to read the story (i.e. what about the story idea would turn you away from it)? Why?

I have to admit the second I read a girl's name in the summary I am turned off. It just tells me this girl is important enough to be a main character and that's not what i'm looking for when I read a BSB fanfic.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2007, 11:09:15 PM »

here're my contributions :D *off to read everyone's posts*

40) If you could make a trailer for one of your fics, which one would that be? Describe a little how this trailer would look like.

41) Relating to #37 here…which actors/actresses would you like to act out the main characters in this movie?

(LOL i just been on a movie site, so maybe that's what inspired these questions)
What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter
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