Fic Talk > Updates
Song For The Undead
It's been awhile since we've bothered to update this thread, but since the main AC site is still down, I wanted to let you know that Chapter 60 is up on our SFTU site:
If you are using Chrome, you may need to refresh the frames if you've been to the site recently. I dunno why it gets glitchy that way, but it didn't want to display the new versions of the pages when I checked it just now.
You also may want to have our Zombie Dance Mix playlist handy for this one, so here’s a direct link:
Hope you like!
Absolutely loved the new chapter but can't listen to the playlist as it says not available in my country :(
Aww really?? Lame! :( Sorry about that; I didn't know. It's the only playlist type thing like that I can find where I don't have to re-upload the songs every couple months to keep them active.
But thank you, btw, glad you liked the chapter! ;D
Just an FYI but Chapter 61 (as well as 60 since we posted that on our site when AC was down) have been posted :)
We're so bad about remembering this thread lol. Anywho, it's posted up to Chapter 63 at this point. Also, our collab name JDR has been changed to Double Rainbow (so intense! lol) but it's still us. We just felt the need to change it.
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