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New Layout...Maybe Others?

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Hey guys. I know the new layout looks quite a bit like the last, but...it was time to upgrade to a theme that was compatible with some newer features of SMF. Sooooo, being a guy who is a bit on the "change-resistant" side, I tried to find one close to the old one.

But then I started thinking. Scary, I know. But seriously, you all should have some say in the look of the site. Do you like the current appearance? Would you prefer something different? Do you want one that has a light background/dark text rather than the dark background/light text?

As my slooooooooow dial up connection loaded the page I was like "Whoa! It looks different." How observant, I know. LOL.   :D

Anyways, my personal opinion...I like this layout better than the other one, even though they are, rather, similar. I have, also, always liked the dark background, with the light text...and I would be, kinda, disappointed if that got changed. I think it looks nice, Ash.

I so don't miss dial up...*shudders*.

Thanks for your input! I personally like dark backgrounds, too, but that's because I'm just such a morbid guy. ermm. Okay not really. I may do a bit more tinkering with this one because I don't really like the tabs, but...I think this'll be a good change once I'm used to it. lol.

Still,if others of you have input, I'd love to hear from you, too!


Ooh, I like it!  I prefer dark backgrounds too.  This one is fine, but I guess you could always play around with other layouts, maybe provide some options like AC has if people do want other colors.

Heh. I've already changed the tabs; they were really bugging me (can't even put my finger on why, but eh...)

I've been tinkering a bit with a light-background one, but just haven't found one that I like. But yeah, if I come across one that won't be too much work to alter (I just can't seem to leave stuff alone!!! lol) I'll make it so people get a choice.

And of course after I've been updating to the "most recent" version of the boards, they've just announced another new version.  :banghead:  (I'm just going to stick with this one until I make sure others aren't having "issues"...I'm still regretting updating the last efiction version; it wasn't broken, so why did I go and "fix" it...?  :shrug: )

Thanks for your input!


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