Fic Talk > Brainstorms

New story that I'm not too sure of... Please, I need your opinions

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Yeah, I think it's very hard to be original aswell... Most things has already been done, but I guess it's how you do it that makes the difference.

I do try a lot to go out of the box, the whole 'boy meets girl and fall in love' isn't really my thing... I guess I do more things like AU (see, I do pay attention ;)), and I love to kill people off LOL... I like to write about things that haven't been done before (not a lot at least)

I also have a mafia story, which have never been posted (VERY AU, that's my new word)

Aaah, that's good cos without readers who really wanna write? lol

It's a bit weird, cos I've had people to look at this chapter before and they said that it was just fine. Maybe they didn't pay that much attention really.

^ Aww, well that's one thing about our site that might set us apart from the rest. We don't miss much here. We're pretty observant and on top of things.

lol I heart AU's and read them more often than regular ones.


--- Quote from: mare on February 16, 2009, 09:08:47 PM ---^ Aww, well that's one thing about our site that might set us apart from the rest. We don't miss much here. We're pretty observant and on top of things.

--- End quote ---

This is also true.  The nice thing about AC is that there are a lot of talented writers here who take their craft seriously.  They are more critical than the teenybopper crowd who will read anything as long as Nick's in it (or whoever), and if you ask for honest feedback or constructive criticism, they will give it to you, rather than just going "Great job, more soon!!!"


--- Quote from: honey on February 16, 2009, 09:52:19 PM ---lol I heart AU's and read them more often than regular ones.

--- End quote ---

There's other kinds of fic? I must have missed those...


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