Lol my question is exactly what it says in the subject line. What is the hardest thing you've ever had to write, and why?
I ask because I just finished the most difficult chapter I've ever written. Actually it was a scene spread out over two chapters, and it was the final big ending of the whole book. I was so excited when I finally got to the end because it's something I'd seen in my head since almost the first day I got the idea. I'd had a blast writing this story, and then I literally had two chapters left of the entire novel to write and I sat down to write them and ...
a big fat nothing!
It was the worst case of writers block I'd ever had, but more than that, it was just a style of writing that is a little out of my norm and not easy for me to write. I'm not exactly an action writer, and this final "battle" if you will killed me. But more than just blocking out the action, and having to describe a somewhat elaborate setting, I had several major plot points all tying in together because it was the end of the story. Everything had to come together all at the same time and when I sat down to write it it was just overwhelming.
So, it was literally the most difficult scene I've ever had to plug my way through and I literally took it one line at a time. One freaking scene took me an entire month, and now I just hope it all came together the way it was supposed to.
But I've learned something about myself, because it was so completely hard, and I just wanted to scream and quit, and rip all my hair out, and until now I've never really experienced that with my writing. Sure I've lost interest and dropped stories, but that wasn't the same thing. I didn't quit those because they were too hard for me and it wasn't that I didn't know how to make it all work. This was so much more frustrating than that because I love the story and wanted desperately to finish it, I just didn't know how. But I didn't give up and now I'm so relieved that I did it, that I can't even describe how good it feels to be done.
SO... enough rambling about me, I want to hear your thoughts. Have you ever had to write something that was just flat out too hard for you? Did you get it done? How did you do it? And how did you feel afterwards?