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Author Topic: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)  (Read 12451 times)


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I thought it would be a good idea for those of us who've read all the books and are getting a bit excited about the upcoming movie to start a thread about all of the other books!

Of course any Sorcerer's Stone/Philosopher's Stone discussion would still occur in the main thread.  ;)
-- Rachel --

*And in that line now was a whiskered old man, with a linen cap and a crooked nose, who waited in a place called the Stardust Band Shell to share his part of the secret of Heaven; that each affects the other, and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.*
-- Mitch Album


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2009, 06:41:35 PM »

Good idea!  Now we can discuss the whole series in detail without worrying about giving away spoilers.  So if you haven't finished all the books yet... stay out till you do! LOL

I'm enjoying reading Sorcerer's Stone again, but I have to say, I really just wanna jump to Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows.  I'm getting excited for the 6th movie and hearing about the filming for the 7th!

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2009, 06:44:54 PM »

Me too!  I'm on the Order of the Pheonix now... it's probably my least fave.

I was watching HP and the Goblet of Fire today after finishing the book in my quest to reread before the movie and I hadn't really realized how much that movie strayed from the book.

I mean they pretty much gave away the fact that it was Barty Crouch Jr. by having him appear throughout the entire movie... when in the book they didn't even let you know he was still alive until the end.

And they completely left Winky's character out.

And the biggest thing of all that I hadn't realized until now... they didn't have anything to do with the house elves at Hogwarts and how Dobby worked there.  And Neville was the one who ended up giving Harry the Gillyweed (not Dobby).  I really wonder how they're going to make up for the fact that they've left Dobby out of the last two movies in the finale.  He was such a crucial part of Harry's life in those years... and that means a LOT in the final book.  

That was one of my favorite books though... probably the one that got me most excited about reading ther rest of what JK Rowling had in store for the Hogwarts gang!
-- Rachel --

*And in that line now was a whiskered old man, with a linen cap and a crooked nose, who waited in a place called the Stardust Band Shell to share his part of the secret of Heaven; that each affects the other, and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.*
-- Mitch Album


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2009, 06:54:02 PM »

OotP isn't my fave either.  I like it, of course, but I like GoF, HBP, and DH better.  I don't like Harry's angry attitude in OotP... it's understandable, of course, and good character development, but I like him better in the other books LOL.

I know what you mean about the movies, but at the same time, I don't see how they could have included everything in GoF (or any of the books after it) without making the movie a couple of hours longer.  Not that I would mind a four-hour Harry Potter movie LOL, but I can see why they weren't willing to let it be that long, given that most kids just don't have that kind of attention span, and so on.  I'm really glad they're making the DH movie two parts, so that they CAN include everything without worrying about length, but I understand why they didn't for the earlier movies.

The movies will never totally live up the books, but I think they do an overall good job of capturing the important stuff in the books and at least staying faithful to the basic storyline.  Some of the subplots, like the whole SPEW house elves crusade in GoF, just aren't as important in the overall scheme of things, so I can understand why they cut that out.  Although I do agree with you that they probably should have included Dobby, since he does play a big role in DH... and I've heard he is going to be in that movie.

I think the first two movies did the best job of capturing pretty much everything in the books, but I actually have enjoyed the latest three movies even more.  Even though they took more liberties in leaving subplots out or changing minor details, I like that they've been darker, scarier, and better-acted just because the actors are more experienced now.  The special effects have gotten better too LOL.  I'm really excited for the 6th!

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2009, 07:39:58 PM »

True true... they would have to make EVERY movie two movies long to get all the details in.  I think they should have just had Dobby pop up and let them know he was there though... lol.  And of course he was actually the one in OoTP who found the room of requirements for Harry too.

I think the only really unforgiveable thing they've done in any of the movies was in OoTp when they had Harry hand Lucius Malfoy the prophecy.  I think beyond the fact that Harry it didn't happen that way in the book... it goes beyond anything that Harry would have ever done and changes his character completely  >:(.

But really that's the only thing I've really been annoyed about.

I'm rereading that one now of course... I remember they left a whole lot out of that movie that ends up meaning a lot in the next (like Kreacher's sorrow over his betrayal of Sirius leading him to showing them where the Horcrux was)... when they didn't even show Kreacher's betrayal.

It just goes to show how much better a book can be.  It can have so much more detail and feeling.  I remember actually being more scared and upset during the books than I ever was during the movie.
-- Rachel --

*And in that line now was a whiskered old man, with a linen cap and a crooked nose, who waited in a place called the Stardust Band Shell to share his part of the secret of Heaven; that each affects the other, and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.*
-- Mitch Album


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2009, 08:26:40 PM »

Just saw a preview for HBP during Survivor, squee!!

I agree; the books are more emotional than the movies.  The power of an author's words and a reader's imagination is incredible.  Even good acting and good special effects can't compare to what you see in your head as you read.  And the books are just so much deeper, too.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2009, 08:27:40 PM »

True true... they would have to make EVERY movie two movies long to get all the details in.  I think they should have just had Dobby pop up and let them know he was there though... lol.  And of course he was actually the one in OoTP who found the room of requirements for Harry too.

I think the only really unforgiveable thing they've done in any of the movies was in OoTp when they had Harry hand Lucius Malfoy the prophecy.  I think beyond the fact that Harry it didn't happen that way in the book... it goes beyond anything that Harry would have ever done and changes his character completely  >:(.

But really that's the only thing I've really been annoyed about.

I'm rereading that one now of course... I remember they left a whole lot out of that movie that ends up meaning a lot in the next (like Kreacher's sorrow over his betrayal of Sirius leading him to showing them where the Horcrux was)... when they didn't even show Kreacher's betrayal.

It just goes to show how much better a book can be.  It can have so much more detail and feeling.  I remember actually being more scared and upset during the books than I ever was during the movie.

This is actually in response to what you were saying in the other thread, but I didn't want to chance someone reading it despite the spoiler alert.  About the two deaths in the last book:  Did you know she switched it from who she was originally going to kill?  It was Lupin (why??? I adored him!!!) instead of Mr. Weasley (because she figured he was more of a father figure to Harry).  

In the last book, I had so many moments of denial.  Like I was like "They are going back to Hogwarts.. they have to" up until they mentioned it was Sept. 1st and the train was leaving the station.  And the part where Lupin's body was lying next to Tonks, I was like, "No, he's just resting after the long battle..."   :(


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2009, 08:28:47 PM »

Just saw a preview for HBP during Survivor, squee!!

I agree; the books are more emotional than the movies.  The power of an author's words and a reader's imagination is incredible.  Even good acting and good special effects can't compare to what you see in your head as you read.  And the books are just so much deeper, too.

Yes!  You miss so much of the plotline with the movies.  Especially 5.  I know they can't fit everything in, but that movie could've easily been a half hour longer.  The scenes they did choose to use were too choppy.


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2009, 08:57:37 PM »

This is actually in response to what you were saying in the other thread, but I didn't want to chance someone reading it despite the spoiler alert.  About the two deaths in the last book:  Did you know she switched it from who she was originally going to kill?  It was Lupin (why??? I adored him!!!) instead of Mr. Weasley (because she figured he was more of a father figure to Harry).  

In the last book, I had so many moments of denial.  Like I was like "They are going back to Hogwarts.. they have to" up until they mentioned it was Sept. 1st and the train was leaving the station.  And the part where Lupin's body was lying next to Tonks, I was like, "No, he's just resting after the long battle..."   :(

I know!  :-[

I think for me the deaths that I was the most upset by were Dobby's... simply because of what he was doing when he died... it was just sad, and Fred's... because why Fred?   :shrug:

The most shocking for me was Snape's.  As much as I detested his character, I didn't want him to die... and I honestly never suspected that he was involved so I never saw him as the "bad guy"... just as annoying.

-- Rachel --

*And in that line now was a whiskered old man, with a linen cap and a crooked nose, who waited in a place called the Stardust Band Shell to share his part of the secret of Heaven; that each affects the other, and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.*
-- Mitch Album


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2009, 09:46:46 PM »

You know what death in DH was worst for me?  HEDWIG!  LOL maybe it was just because it was the first, and it came so early, and it was unexpected that the carnage would begin right there at the beginning, or maybe it was just because I have a weakness when it comes to animals, but I freaking BAWLED over Hedwig!!!  NONE of the other deaths were that bad for me.  Dobby came second... and of course Fred and Lupin were sad because I liked both of them.  And even Snape, especially after getting his whole tragic story, which I love.  I never believed that Snape was really on the wrong side when he killed Dumbledore, I knew there was something more do it, so it was nice to see him redeem himself and sad to see him die for his bravery in acting the spy and sacrificing what was left of his reputation.

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2009, 01:41:50 AM »

WHOA at DH man. I just finished it.

Hedwig totally got to me. I cried over Hedwig. Seriously, it was soooo unexpected, it really got to me.

Snape...oh Snape. Like I figured that would be one readable character in the book. (like Draco, who to me was a bit predictible). His story is sad, so I was satisfied he was braver than anyone realized while he was still alive.

Ron...oh Ron. How mad I was at him when he ditched Harry. I was furious, ready to yell at my book lol.

Fred...why did he have to die? That one was so sad and senseless. I wanted Percy to die, making up for how much of an ass he was in the last couple books. I mean he earned a death way more.

I was sooo upset about Lupin. I mean come on. He just had a baby, and just gah! :-[

Dobby, oh Dobby. Been attached to him since GOF. His death was so very sad, but it said so much about Harry as a person. Necessary but sad.

Voldemort, oh I was totally satisfied with him. But I was so shocked at Harry being the last Horcrux, totally didn't see that coming. Makes sense, but didn't predict it. Teared up a bit when Harry brought back the spirits of his parents, Lupin, and Sirius too. Such a sad moment when Harry walks off to what he believes is his death.

I looooove the series. So not what I expected. Now I need to watch the movies LOL. (I was so anti HP I formed an anti HP bubble, okay? :P lol)

My rating of the books, fave to least fave. After really taking them in.

Deathly Hallows (it's so freaking EPIC!)
Order Of The Phoenix (I love how dark it gets, and how much character growth involved)
Goblet Of Fire (when things really start getting deep, plus it develops Harry's and Sirius' relationship)
Half Blood Prince (good book, very good, dunno, couldn't capture me as much as the other 3)
Prisoner of Azkaban (The introduction to Harry's parents' past/deaths, and to Sirius)
The first two Harry Potter Books. (Good, but you can really tell who the main audience is)
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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2009, 09:18:23 AM »

I think JKR just felt the need to kill of some main, reader-favorite characters like Fred and Lupin to show the real side of war.  She wasn't going to kill any of the trio, but they had to lose some friends and loved ones for it to be realistic.  They defeated Voldemort and the Death Eaters, but not without some casualties, some sacrifices.  I was still shocked by it though.

That chapter where Harry walks into the forest to confront Voldemort and meet his death has got to be the most powerful chapter of the whole series.  I cry at that part too, every time, but it's one of my all-time favorite chapters.  I love how he's able to use the stone to bring back his parents and Sirius and Lupin to be with him in the end, kind of like how his parents helped hold off the Death Eaters at the end of GoF.  So touching and sad.

There was such a huge debate over whether Harry would live or die at the end of the series, and I think JKR is truly a genius for the way she handled that.  Harry DID have to sacrifice himself to kill Voldemort, but thankfully, he didn't die.  It's the best of both worlds.  Perfect ending.

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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2009, 09:10:29 PM »

Rose, I'm glad the series ended up being different than you expected and that you liked it!

I agree with what you guys are saying about the scene where Harry is walking to "his death" surrounded by his parents, Lupin, and Sirius.  So, so sad.  It really just reaches out and grabs you into it like never before.  If anyone can read that part without crying, I think they must be dead inside! LoL J.K. Rowling's characterizati on is too well-written for a reader not to get sucked into the storyline as if everyone in the wizarding world is real. 


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2009, 05:00:27 AM »

I'm currently working my way through the books, I'm reading The Chamber of Secrets now and hope to have read them all before the new film comes out.


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Re: Harry Potter Discussion (for those who've read all the books!)
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2009, 11:18:49 PM »

Random: It took me watching GoF twice (the second time on ABC Family lol) to realize Robert Pattinson plays Cedric Diggory. Didn't recognize him without the Twilight makeup lol.

The movies are good, I like how you grow with the actors, and the casting is fantastic. The first 2 are freaking identical to the books. But GoF made a really good movie. OotP - OMG did they find a way to make Umbridge magically come out of the book? LMAO they casted her perfectly.

Has anyone seen the latest previews of HBP? MTV and ABC Family both played various ones. Can't wait!
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