Fic Talk > Research Assistance

Calling all Howie fans!


Okay, I am normally pretty good on my Bsb vital stats, the kind of useless trivia about them we all memorized back in our teenybopper days.  But I'm writing a Howie story, and I need info about his family that I can NOT find anywhere!  Not on the internet, not in my old-school Bsb books, nowhere!

I just want to know the order of his siblings, by age.  I know Howie is the youngest and by ten years.  Who's the next youngest?  I read that Pollyanna is in the middle.  I'm guessing it's Angie, but I'm not sure.  Can someone confirm?

Also, with Angie... I always thought her name was Angela, but on the DLF site, it's Angelia.  What's up with that??  Did all the Bsb sources get her name wrong all those years??

Help! :)

I think I read the order somewhere once before, but I don't remember where. I always thought it was John, Caroline, Pollyanna, Angie, & then Howie. Or maybe John's right before Howie or after Caroline or something. (I'm not much help, am I? Lol.) And I always thought it was Angela too. I have no idea. I know Howie always seems pretty close to Pollyanna though, especially since she was the one who took him to plays with her or something.


If you still need help,Howie says what order thier were born here....

Thanks! :)  I couldn't even remember what story I was asking this for LOL, but I think it was for the challenge last year where we were supposed to write an origins story for another story... I was gonna do one for Dr. Rough in 00Carter.  Like most other challenges, though, I never got around to it LOL.  I did start it, but never finished.  If I decide to, though, that will definitely come in handy.  Thanks again!



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