Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured story for March 2007 - Love of A Child

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I'll be the first one to tell you that if it weren't for Absolute Chaos I wouldn't have met my very bestest best friend! *insert cheesy grin*


--- Quote from: shrinkingviolet on March 21, 2007, 06:43:37 PM ---I know Anastacia is going to slaughter me for this, but... she became my best friend the moment she first IMed me, to be totally honest. We became very fast friends, and even though it's only been just over a year, it seems she's always been there, you know? /end gushing about Anastacia/

To answer your question, yes it has brought us closer together, at least on my end it has. As she said earlier, it seems we've got the same wavelengths in our brains, and I find myself always thinking the same thoughts she does at certain things. I honestly can't imagine co-writing with someone else and having it come out as well as it does with her, but I think that's mostly attributed to the fact that she is one of the greatest writers on the planet. And no, I'm not biased on that. :-)

--- End quote ---

*points to the part I bolded*

You're not biased, that or I'm biased too lol. Her writing always has impressed me from the get go, in the short times I wrote with her (now mind you this was years ago, when I was...holy crap like 15/16 and I'm now 20 lol...21 later this year) I used to always feel like she put my writing to shame. *blushes since there's no blushing icon*

Just wanted to add that  ;D

Both of you are talented and its cool to see you guys get the special month moment hehe.


--- Quote from: Rose on March 23, 2007, 02:13:53 AM ---*points to the part I bolded*

You're not biased, that or I'm biased too lol. Her writing always has impressed me from the get go, in the short times I wrote with her (now mind you this was years ago, when I was...holy crap like 15/16 and I'm now 20 lol...21 later this year) I used to always feel like she put my writing to shame. *blushes since there's no blushing icon*

Just wanted to add that  ;D

Both of you are talented and its cool to see you guys get the special month moment hehe.

--- End quote ---

You guys are both completely horrible and totally biased. I don't think my writing is anywhere near what you two claim...


--- Quote from: Anastacia on March 23, 2007, 12:43:50 PM ---You guys are both completely horrible and totally biased. I don't think my writing is anywhere near what you two claim...

--- End quote ---

Oh shush, I am not  :P. You're very talented Ana-banana, accept it aready lol

Ladies since your month is winding down I thought it would be fun to pose this question to each other since you are such good friends :)

So, Shrinking Violet, tell us three things about Anastacia that might surprise us.

and Anastacia tell is three things about Shrinking Violet that might surprise us.




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