Fic Talk > Updates

Starry Eyes' updates


Updates for me don't come very often with my current non-short stories... but sometimes I get some inspiration from my stubborn as Hell muse and short stories are created. There are two as of right now that I'd like to share with y'all. I would really appreciate feedback, as one is my first stab at a different fandom.

Can't Let Go
This is a fanfic based off the characters of NCIS.

Here Comes Goodbye
This is a Brian fanfic inspired by Rascal Flatts song of the same title.

Okay, got another one for you!

About Last Night...
It's based off a dream... not sure if it will turn into a full-length story or not. Please let me know.

Due to demand from readers on and off AC, I have decided to make About Last Night... a full-length story. I just posted chapter two. If you're interested, please read and review! ;D

Updated two chapters for About Last Night... if anyone would like to read and review!


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