Fic Talk > Writer's Circle
New Year, so lets see what we accomplished Last Year!
--- Quote from: mare on January 18, 2010, 07:34:47 AM ---I have been at a standstill with everything, sadly. I have a few ideas for a new original fic and want to write my second chapter for the Lima Bean story but I have absolutely no drive to do it. I sit in front of the computer and start doing other things instead. It's like something is keeping me from starting and I haven't figured out why. It's annoying. I am pretty sure my fanfic days are over. I have no desire to write it anymore which sucks because I wanted to finish Protect and Serve, not that anyone was reading it anyway, but more for me.
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I hate that feeling. I've never gone through a slump that has lasted very long, but I definitely know the feeling of wanting to write (or at least thinking I should) and sitting down and then not doing it, or not being able to, even when I know what to write. The whole writer's block/no muse/no motivation thing is so frustrating.
--- Quote from: mare on January 18, 2010, 07:34:47 AM ---I have been at a standstill with everything, sadly. I have a few ideas for a new original fic and want to write my second chapter for the Lima Bean story but I have absolutely no drive to do it. I sit in front of the computer and start doing other things instead. It's like something is keeping me from starting and I haven't figured out why. It's annoying. I am pretty sure my fanfic days are over. I have no desire to write it anymore which sucks because I wanted to finish Protect and Serve, not that anyone was reading it anyway, but more for me.
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I know what you mean. I need a computer that's not hooked up to the internet because I sit down to write and think, "I'll check my email real quick..." which leads to facebook, which leads to...
Have you been reading a lot? I know you said you hadn't very much as far as fan fiction goes, but I mean in general. That is what usually inspires me to write-- I get into a good book and then I begin to form my own ideas.
^ Yes, actually I read all the time. I just re-read Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven today. I am hoping that by reading some of the greater novels, it'll inspire me to do something. So far, no luck lol
I know what you mean about getting distracted with things like Facebook! I sit down with my laptop and a couple of hours will pass without actually getting anything done.
I have to sometimes take my internet icon off my quick launch bar, or at least hide it, so I have to think before I click on it. I'm notorious for stopping mid-sentence to randomly go check Twitter or this forum or whatever, and then I get distracted LOL. That's the only thing I miss about having dial-up - when I wasn't connected to the internet all the time, I got a lot more done LOL.
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