Fic Talk > Writer's Circle

New Year, so lets see what we accomplished Last Year!

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I can't even use that as an excuse. I don't really even spend a lot of time surfing all that much anymore. I think for me, i've kind of lost interest in the computer in general. I find after about 20 minutes, i'm ready to go do something else.

I go through phases... sometimes I could sit at the computer for hours and be perfectly content, and other days I'm hardly on the computer at all except to check my mail.

Writing is that way too... There are some days where, if I have nothing I need to do, I get going and can write all day.  It usually takes me about an hour to write a page, because I'm so anal about it and get distracted easily.  Yet there are days where I can knock off ten pages, which means at the end of the day, I've spent about ten hours writing.  That's when everything is flowing, and I'm happy, and it's great, and I write either until I finish the part or can't keep my eyes open anymore, and then I go to bed, and I get up in the morning, excited about writing some more, and... nothing.  I get nothing done the next day, even if all the other conditions are exactly the same.  Why is that?  It's so frustrating LOL.

I used to do that as well. LOL I don't know, it's weird.

I can blame lots of things. Maybe it's my uncomfortable computer chair, or the fact that I no longer live alone. My spare bedroom is very cold (that's where my computer is) Eh, I'll just blame Twilight lol

I blame my computer chair too. :(   It's not a bad chair; it's a spinny desk chair, and it's padded... but I think I got way spoiled when I had a laptop and spent all my time sitting or half-lying on my bed with it LOL.  So much more comfortable than sitting at a desk.  I can sit for hours if I'm actually DOING something, writing or whatever, but just reading... can't do it.  I can't remember the last time I spent hours at once reading a fanfic.  I think if I were to get engrossed in one, I could do it... but that doesn't happen very often anymore.

I am just using a regular old folding chair and it sucks lol


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