Fic Talk > Updates
Howies Girl Updates
Howies Girl:
Hey guys been a while since i updates stuff. At the moment i decided to repost Shatered Hearts Reunited Souls, it is one i have been tormented with. it's been going through the rewrite mill for a while, and i hope i got it right this time. Please let me know what you think. I crave reveiws so if you have read my story please post a small review so i can post more updates and you can get me excited about it.
Howies Girl:
Updated my stories. Please i really want to know what people think of it. So please review after you have read it.
Howies Girl:
Updated Shatered Hearts in the process of revemping a family apart. Hopefully i can get back in the zone. Oh and i need to know how do i remove a warning from my story i have been trying to remove the slash M/M because i decided not to use it on this story.
Howies Girl:
I don't mean to sound like a Deby Downer but, I would really appreciate it if I got constructive critisism. I really want to know how good or bad I am. That way if my story is really bad, I can just pull it off the site and re-write it until it's better. Sometimes i wounder if my stories get read and I feel like i'm not a good enough writer to have my stories on here. I really don't mean to sound like this but i guess it is how I feel. So please review my stories and let me know what you think.
Hey there,
I know how discouraging it could be when you get little to no feedback. You are a very good writer, from what I read anyway. I did just go and read the prologue for your Shattered Hearts story. It's very well written and flowed nicely. :) I don't really read a whole lot of fanfic. Everyone on here knows that lol and romance and slash and Howie fics just aren't my thing.
I think in all honesty the only reason you haven't gotten many reviews is just because it's a slash story. Right now, for whatever reason, slash isn't something that a lot of people are reading. It's an aquired taste. I would suggest maybe posting that you updated not only in here but maybe some of the bigger boards as well like the new LD board or on the Dark Side. Because even though many people on AC may not enjoy slash on those bigger boards you will probably get a few new readers. Just a thought! But keep writing. The reviews will evenutally come! :)
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