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Coaster Series Thread

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I didn't mean to put that smiley in there...In fact I didn't know I touched it.I just wanted to know how much I was going to read.hehe

LoL that's okay.  It feels nice to put it in print; now it makes me need to keep to the plan!

just becuase it's in print doesn't always mean the print goes with the plan. but nice run down of the two other books tho... that shall be fun to see.

So...I had a really productive today writing BATB.  I think I'm actually four chapters ahead of my current post! Go meeee...go meeeeee :)  Of course I always tend to write faster when I've got lots of drama going on   ;D

BATB will be back shortly.  I think I have another bout of carpal tunnel mixed with a pulled muscle.  Of course it's my left hand which is also my pen-holding hand.  I can't do much more than a few sentences in posts.  So until then I just have to sit here with all the thoughts piled up in my head. grrrrrrrr  :'(


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