Fic Talk > Updates
Coaster Series Thread
Heey! Love this idea. I might make a thread up for mine too!
I am heeere! So have no fear! *waves pointy stick* Lol.
P.S. What's this banner with footprints in the background? Did I miss something? Lol.
Yay Lenni's here! With her pointy stick! The image people were talking about was the banner for the NEXT story, Babies and the Band. I thought I'd be starting it by now but Nick and Liv are taking their sweet time getting to the wedding! ::grumbles about own characters::
But, here's the image if you want to see it! :)
As I mentioned at DS, the picture of Brooke is more how she'll look by the end of BATB. I have an ADORABLE picture of her at the beginning of the story that I might try to somehow get posted too for extra visuals. :)
Yay!!! New place to talk!! Been a while since I've been here too...I've missed it!
sweet!!!! the girls have found us....ALRIGHT! (lol total brian moment there) but ya that banner so kute jen! I already made my call on what i think the banner is and what next story be about but *shrugs* just remember baby names *coughs* Krystle *COUGHS* lmao j/k
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