Fic Talk > Brainstorms
thoughts and ramblings about your ideas etc...
I'm glad you've all got the writing bug :)
I've had a few ideas in my head for stories, but at the moment I've just put a few ideas down in a word doc and will have a look when I've finished the story I'm currently writing. I've not been able to write a thing for a couple of weeks because my laptop died and took all my work along with it! But I've bought a new laptop now and have managed to recover my stuff from the old crappy one, so hopefully I can get some more done in the next couple of days.
Oh no! Sorry about your computer. Glad you were able to recover everything, and yay for a new laptop! I miss having a laptop, but my old one got to be so unreliable, I swore I'd never buy another one LOL. It completely crashed on me once, and I lost EVERYTHING. Not fun!
--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 09, 2010, 06:41:46 AM ---It completely crashed on me once, and I lost EVERYTHING. Not fun!
--- End quote ---
That happened to me once with a desktop PC just before I'd finished an original story that was somewhere between 400 and 600 pages...and the PC got a virus and it was eating the hard drive like it was a sandwich - just chomp chomp chomp... and I hadn't updated my back up of it in something like 150 pages, and I was freaking out that I was going to lose it all... So my mom sat at my computer, which I had to move into the dining room and hook up, and I sat at hers across the room, and she read the pages while I typed them on her PC to update my back up drive. It took literally all night, but my mom was a trooper and we got the whole thing done... I lost a lot of other stuff - music, pictures, files, like five or six website layouts that I loved (and a ton I didn't care about), stories, etc - but we saved that story, which would've been -by far- the biggest loss, because I'm one of those people that if I lose something, I can't rewrite it. It comes out forced the second time (which is why I can't outline, lol).
I'm the same way; I HATE having to rewrite! It just kills my inspiration.
I guess that's another reason to post as you write, so that if something like that were to happen, at least you've got most of your story backed up online.
Oh god, that sounds like an absolute nightmare!!
I'm glad I'd saved all my stuff quite recently, so I didn't lose much and that I was able to recover it. I've bought an external hard drive now too.
Posting as you go is a very good idea for that reason :)
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