Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Features waiting line...

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Ooh cool!  April's when my b-day is... good month!  Maybe I'll have Curtain Call almost finished by then.

Good. Maybe if not it'll be an incentive for you to finish it up lol And maybe even update Guilty Roads, remember that one? :P

Aww I know... no, I haven't forgotten GR; honestly, I think I need to tackle one at a time and finish CC first, then go back to GR when I can actually commit to it and stay in the story.  I've found it's not the kind of story I can just write whenever I feel like it, 'cause it takes too much effort to get inspired for.  I need to write on it consistently for it to work.  So I will plan on having CC at least close to being done by April.  If I stay on a roll with it, I might even be able to finish it by then, which would be perfect, cause I don't really have anything else to feature LOL.

LOL you could always go old school if you need to.

Eek.  I hate all my stories pre-Broken, and since BMS has already been featured, there's no point in doing Broken.  I'm pretty much limited to either Curtain Call or 00Carter LOL.


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