Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Features waiting line...

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Why didn't I notice I'll be featured in November???? whoever suggested thank you!!! I have an idea for what story to feature but if anyone wants to suggest one let me know.

Updated the waiting line all the way to May! Take a look and see if you or your friend's are on it and pass the info along. I'll be contacting you early in the month right before yours! ;)

Bumping up because it's about that time again where I need some suggestions for featured authors and stories.

You can find the list of stories that have already been featured here:,649.0.html

The only qualifications are that they have to have stories on the site and at least one of them needs to be far enough along to merit a discussion. Many people have had multiple turns so we're trying to shy away from that happening but if there are really no suggestions I might go that way. They do not have to be part of the forum however, it seems like the people that post on here tend to care more about this than the people who don't.

So that being said, suggest away! :)

I was going to suggest Freedomwriter, but see you already have her down for May.  How about KeepThisSecret?

You have two of my suggestions and my third is KeepThisSecret . After that, I can't think of anyone.


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