Fic Talk > Updates
Babies and the Band
yeah, my only thought is that if you were on the site when the computer actually crashed and were maybe clicking and in the meantime you accidentally clicked delete. I have done stuff like that when my computer is frozen. Just click away and not realize what i'm actualy clicking will kick in once the computer unfreezes.
OMG I am so sorry! I hope someone has it so that you recover it. I'd be freaking out too if it were me. :(
Like I said on the proboards, I CANNOT BELIEVE this is the only coaster series story I DIDNT save the other day. UGH. Im so mad at me right now. :\
Hey did you ask ...who was it that was asking about having copies in word docs for her ereader like 2 weeks ago???? Maybe she downloaded it onto her reader??? Maybe you should PM her?
--- Quote from: Pengi on August 02, 2010, 02:23:13 PM ---Like I said on the proboards, I CANNOT BELIEVE this is the only coaster series story I DIDNT save the other day. UGH. Im so mad at me right now. :\
Hey did you ask ...who was it that was asking about having copies in word docs for her ereader like 2 weeks ago???? Maybe she downloaded it onto her reader??? Maybe you should PM her?
--- End quote ---
bluemoon says she has a copy but ANYONE that has a copy...even if it's just a few chapters I will take multiple, multiple versions of my story at the moment. Flood my Inbox..I don't care, REALLY!
Pengi don't be mad at yourself...ima gine how I feel today. I'm the AUTHOR and I don't have a full save. I'm just fidgeting right now and refreshing my inbox...hoping and praying to the Yahoo e-mail Gods...
awww... I backed up everything when I read you lost the story. At least it's a learning experience. So at least one person has a copy right??? did you back up the others now??
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