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Babies and the Band

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yeah, my only thought is that if you were on the site when the computer actually crashed and were maybe clicking and in the meantime you accidentally clicked delete. I have done stuff like that when my computer is frozen. Just click away and not realize what i'm actualy clicking will kick in once the computer unfreezes.

OMG I am so sorry! I hope someone has it so that you recover it. I'd be freaking out too if it were me. :(

Like I said on the proboards, I CANNOT BELIEVE this is the only coaster series story I DIDNT save the other day. UGH. Im so mad at me right now. :\

Hey did you ask ...who was it that was asking about having copies in word docs for her ereader like 2 weeks ago????  Maybe she downloaded it onto her reader??? Maybe you should PM her?


--- Quote from: Pengi on August 02, 2010, 02:23:13 PM ---Like I said on the proboards, I CANNOT BELIEVE this is the only coaster series story I DIDNT save the other day. UGH. Im so mad at me right now. :\

Hey did you ask ...who was it that was asking about having copies in word docs for her ereader like 2 weeks ago????  Maybe she downloaded it onto her reader??? Maybe you should PM her?

--- End quote ---

bluemoon says she has a copy but ANYONE that has a copy...even if it's just a few chapters I will take multiple, multiple versions of my story at the moment.  Flood my Inbox..I don't care, REALLY!

Pengi don't be mad at yourself...ima gine how I feel today. I'm the AUTHOR and I don't have a full save.  I'm just fidgeting right now and refreshing my inbox...hoping and praying to the Yahoo e-mail Gods...

awww... I backed up everything when I read you lost the story. At least it's a learning experience. So at least one person has a copy right??? did you back up the others now??


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