Thanks for the explanation, Julie! I'm glad it's a common confusion and not just me.
I'll save this in my special Word document. I put all the slang, certain expressions or just sentences I might want to use sometime in it. When I read a fanfic I might save some sentences in the document whether* they are funny or cool or just something I couldn't think of myself. Examples are: "I wasn't going to sugarcoat it", 'A smirk of triumph curled Damon's lips.' (Vampire Diaries fanfic heh), 'I puffed out my cheeks and let out a big gust of air.' (I think this is from one of evergreen's fanfics). I hope it's ok if I ever use sentences like these, 'cause I practically copied them from other fanfics.
I also put translations of words I keep forgetting in it. So when I write, I open that document and see if I can use anything from it. I will save lots of stuff from this topic in that document.
I used to have problems with eh.. I don't know if there's a word for it but when I first started writing fanfic (which was in 2007 or so) in English I only used 'she said', 'she asked', 'he yelled', 'he screamed', 'she replied'. It was really limited and I was sick of it at one point. I didn't know any other words really, so I often watch things like that too (and save them in my special document hehe). Now, I know words like retorted, scowled, grunted, inquired, huffed, seethed etc. But also things like he glared, snorted etc. I hope I didn't confuse anyone but I have no idea if there's a specific word for this.
I don't use the words effect & affect that much but I'll save it in my document too. I bet I will stumble upon it sometime.
* Whether/weather (sometimes even wheather) is one I see pretty often too!
Can I give it a try and explain it? I'll try.
Whether/weather/wheatherWhether is a conjunction. -
"I don't know whether it's possible.”Or you can use it to introduce alternatives. -
He can't decide whether to go or not/He can't decide whether or not to go.Weather is, simply, the weather. Like heat or cold, wind, rain, snow etc. -
"The weather is too hot for me.” or
"How's the weather?" The
weatherman presents the
weather forecast.
The word
wheather doesn't excist.
And? How did I do?