Fic Talk > Felix Awards

For Your Consideration - Season 3

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Categories for nominations will be posted by the weekend.

This is your chance to pimp yourself, and your fics!

No discussion is permitted on this board. What it's intended for is for people to introduce themselves, and their work to everyone who may be considering nominating others for awards. This is the only thread for this, your post will be deleted if you start plugging yourself in other awards threads.

It is intended to create awareness for lesser known writers (since we don't allow self-nomination).

So, who are you (a link to your profile perhaps), what fic do you believe deserves a nomination, and what else have you written? (with links)

Take advantage of this opportunity to put your name into the hat for the Felix Awards and remember, this year it will be entirely voted on by your peers!

C'mon people! Don't be afraid to be the first person to throw your name out there! This will only be better for you in the end if you would like people to nominate your story for an award! :)

I'm not SCURED! Vote away PEOPLES!

My name is Jen, also known as evergreewriter 83.  I don't really know what fic deserves a nomination but With the Band was my first story and is near and dear to my heart.  I also loved writing the AJ fic Twelve Steps and Shelby is probably my favorite character that I've written so far to date. :)

In total I've written:
With the Band
Cruise Control
Voodoo and Vows
Babies and the Band
Seven Days

Nowhere to Go (Kevin)
Twelve Steps (AJ)

Love Story (Shelby)

In summary, I'm the author of The Coaster Series and the new Coaster Girls series.  Here is a link to my profile:

Hello! I'll put myself out there. I'm Summer and go by that name on AC as well. I have four total fics on the website but two I'm currently working on. They're Once In A Blue Moon and Shades of Gray.  I'm not sure which of those I would suggest for a nomination, but I feel that they both are possibles. I don't think I'm the best writer out there, but I do think I'm pretty good and there are people who enjoy my fics. :)

I also have a website that is in my profile where I've posted other stories I'm working on. Here's the link to my profile and the fics I mentioned.

Thank you :)


I'm Hannah, aka Pengi. Here's a link to my profile:

This year I've written:
Time Watcher
Something Beautiful (and it's companion "There's Us")
Bad Romance
As It Turns Out...
In the Broken Places

I'm not sure which of these stories deserves to win an award. I know Something Beautiful got a lot of attention, but I feel like Fix and As It Turns Out are better suited for an award. Fix is my most read/reviewed story.


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