Fic Talk > Beta Central
Help Me
I had a chance to read through the first chapter and found some small mistakes for you.
For instance, you had my heart jumped into my through. < I think you mean throat?
We haven't been back together sense < -- since
She fought that he needed to stay in school. <-- thought
Just be careful of little things like that.
Your second chapter is kind of a mess guys. Truthfully I couldn't get through it because it's all a jumble. You need to break up your dialogue (it was just discussed in the grammar thread) This is a big issue and one that makes people almost instantly click away from a story. Be careful
"Couldn't he just go this once?" Nick and Debbie stood in the entry way of Debbie's home. "Nick, He’s not going!" Debbie almost yelled. Yet again they where fighting about Justin going on tour with Nick. "Why?" "Don't start that again, you know I don't want him to miss school." She argued. "I'll get him a tutor. Besides, school lets out in six weeks anyway." Nick fought for his son. He always did. "Please mom." Justin said walking into the room. "Justin..." She trailed off. "Come on Debora." Nick said looking at her right in the eyes. "Nick, don't call me that." She told him. "Then let him go. I promise his grades wont fall." Nick told her. "Come on mom. You aren't gonna let dad be the fun parent my entire life are you?" Justin added. She looked between the two of them. Nick quickly put his arm around Justin and the both gave her the puppy dog face. "Fine." She caved. "Really?" They both asked not believing her. Nick had been fighting with Debbie ever since Justin was born about him going on tour. This seemed too good to be true.
Should look like this:
"Couldn't he just go this once?" Nick and Debbie stood in the entry way of Debbie's home.
"Nick, He’s not going!" Debbie almost yelled. Yet again they where fighting about Justin going on tour with Nick.
"Don't start that again, you know I don't want him to miss school." She argued.
"I'll get him a tutor. Besides, school lets out in six weeks anyway." Nick fought for his son. He always did.
and so on... it's much easier to read this way and you get a clearer picture of who is saying what.
Just a few tidbits for you. Hope that helps!
gotcha. ok so not the question (as i posted in gramar101) is: How do you "format" it when it is in someones POV and they are not saying something said by someone else. Like... I'll make up something below and hopefully someone can show me how to format in correctly.
The song played over and over in my head. It was permanently etched in my brain. I remembered all of it. The words. The melody. The tempo. I could hear her voice singing it so clearly. Hell, I even remembered the sound of the guitar as she strummed softly. The words stood out over everything else. Each time they played in my head my heart would begin to hurt more and more. It had finally gotten to a point where I could feel physical pain deep inside of my chest. I guess what hurt the most was how true the words were. It made me feel disgusted with myself. I knew all of this was my fault. A small part of me however blamed my mother. If she would have just left me alone and let me do what I wanted not of this would be an issue. However, had I just told the truth from the start none of this would be an issue either. Ultimately I had to admit that this was all my fault even though it embarrassed me to do so. Admitting it was the first step though. The second step was fixing my mistake. One thing was holding me back from doing that though. You see, I just didn't know how to fix it. Really I wasn't even sure if I could.
If the entire story is told in first person, you can leave it as is. If those are just internal thoughts then use italics.
What if that (well more written the same way) is all in one chapter... like a prologue. then the rest of the story is narrated.
Like the prologue and chapter one in HELP ME
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