Fic Talk > Felix Awards

The Felix Awards 2010 VOTING!

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That's weird that it won't show up for you at all.  Maybe you could PM your votes to a mod and have them add your votes.

Howies Girl:
I was just about to edit my post when my computer started to acte really glitchy. The good news is that i was able to Vote all thanks to my wonderful cell phone. So, for the next awards i know i can use my cell phone lol. Good luck to all the wonderful writers who were nominated.

WOW... I didn't think I would have to say this a day into voting.

Don't try and stuff the ballot box!

Congrats on knowing how to delete your cookies, but you can't delete your IP address. I can, and WILL, be deleting duplicate votes!

I am also able to see the time, so if say... 9 identical votes come in within moments of each other I'm going to consider it suspect, and I can cross reference the IP on the ballots to your AC account.

If you get caught stuffing the ballot box your AbsoluteChaos account will be locked. It's unacceptable, and I doubt the author you're trying to cheat for would appreciate winning like that.

Last and only warning. Thanks.

Wow. Who would seriously try and stuff the ballot box? They're just fanfic awards, and as awesome as it is to be nominated, doing that is just lame LOL.

Seriously?  Lame!  If it's an author doing that to vote for themselves, that's uber-lame, but even if it's a reader doing that for their favorite author... don't!  I'm sure any of us would want to win on our own merits, not because someone wants to cheat on our behalf.


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