Fic Talk > Felix Awards 2010

Short (11)

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Short stories tend to be less complex than novels. Usually a short story focuses on one incident, has a single plot, a single setting, a small number of characters, and covers a short period of time.

But the simplicity of the short story did nothing to keep these nominees from producing some of the best short stories on Absolute Chaos.

The nominees for Best Short are:

 Party Time by starbeamz2
 Are We There Yet? by Rose
 Lost Without You by kevmylove
 Sweetest Day Sniffles by evergreenwrite r83
 Interrogation by alota_cookin

And the winner is...

Winner: Are We There Yet? by Rose

Runner Up: Sweetest Day Sniffles by evergreenwrite r83

Contests. Very good fic!

Jen I am so proud of your runner up streak!

YAY!!!!! Congrats, Rose! This story was epically creepy. Right down to the impalement. LOL

GO DR!!!!  Congratulation s, girl!  I LOVED this story... so freaking twisted and epic!!!

Congratulation s again, Jen! LOL

Congrats, Rose...and congrats to you Jen!!!


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