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Proving Them Wrong

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I'm not (persnally) a fan of writing sequels. I'm the type of writer where I use my character as much as I possibly can in one story so by the end I'm like bah, I'm done with you! So a sequel would probably turn into a story I could never finish. Though I should try it sometime lol

LOL sequels are fuuunnnn LOL if you hadnt noticed i'm sorta a sequel whore with my series. But I think PTW was ended good where it doesn't NEED a sequel.


--- Quote from: Teri on November 22, 2007, 12:59:36 PM ---LOL sequels are fuuunnnn LOL if you hadnt noticed i'm sorta a sequel whore with my series. But I think PTW was ended good where it doesn't NEED a sequel.

--- End quote ---

thanks Teri and Julilly! I know some people want to see more Autumn and Nick, but, honestly, i think they've run through their story pretty completely. There's not much more that I could have them do, aside from maybe have a baby or something--and that is SO cliche (for me, anyway). I mean, I was going to have Autumn tell him that she was pregnant at the end, but then i changed my mind and I like how it ends.

Besides, I did a sequel once for Second Chances and, while I still think Then Again is one of my best stories, I am having a hard time writing its threequel. Because that's what happens...I do a sequel and then I want to stretch it longer. Which works for you, Teri, but not for me. I agree with Julilly that putting everything about a character into one story is so much easier than dragging it out into two or more. Personally, as a reader, I'm not much for sequels anymore, unless it's really, really good, but no. *shrugs* I guess it's all a matter of personal opinion.

TERI. you never really told me what you thought of the ending LOL When you thought Nick was dying, you had LOTS to say LOL and, now that it's over, I wanna know what you thought...that is, if there was anything that you could say about it (unless you thought it was bad and don't wanna hurt my feelings LOL)

lol OK I loved theending! it was exactly how i hoped it would turn out, and the opals hehe my birthstone can help u find true love (however if it's not ur birthstone it brings u bad luck) which is fitting cuz she did have bad luck with liz and summer!!


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