Fic Talk > Updates

Proving Them Wrong

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LMAO You guys crack me up! It makes me so happy to see how invested both of you are in this story! I didn't think anyone would be that emotionally involved with it because Nick and Autumn kinda fell flat as characters in this one...unless you don't think so.

Anyway, haven't you ever heard Kelly? She and I LOVE our happy endings! Maybe the ending won't be exactly what you want, but it'll still be happy...

and that's all I'm going to say. The end. ;D

Also, while the two of you are waiting for the next PTW update, I suggest heading over and reading "In the Shadows"! Kelly and I are really trying to make our collab interesting and different and so far it's *nudge* check it out, my cheerleaders!

hehe... ur silly sarah i promise i'll start on in the shadows soon! being featured has given me major inspiration!


--- Quote from: Teri on November 03, 2007, 05:59:48 PM ---hehe... ur silly sarah i promise i'll start on in the shadows soon! being featured has given me major inspiration!

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I see how it is, trying to mention as much as you can that you're featured, eh? "sorry, can't go grocery shopping today -- i'm a featured story"... :) too much? lol


--- Quote from: julilly on November 03, 2007, 07:22:01 PM ---I see how it is, trying to mention as much as you can that you're featured, eh? "sorry, can't go grocery shopping today -- i'm a featured story"... :) too much? lol

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seriously. jeez, Teri! I think we figured it out the first 10,000 times you said it LOL i guess you won't have time to read the next update of PTW, huh, because you're too busy being a featured story LOL


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